calculating net carbs

jendlich Posts: 4 Member
Can anyone help me configuring my settings, so I see net carbs vs. carbs and fiber? Do I just subtract the fiber grams from my carb count? Ughhhh....


  • LilMamaBear125
    LilMamaBear125 Posts: 21 Member
    There is some sort of a plug-in that you can download that will help configure those settings... but I don't use any kind of Windows based computers, so it doesn't work for me (or I'm just that bad at techy stuff that I can't figure it out).

    But, in the meantime, you can add a "Net Carb - Adjustment" to your diary. So say I just had a serving of almonds, I add that to my diary and then add my net carb adjustment for 3 servings (since it was 3g of fiber) and there ya be!
  • oyadancing
    oyadancing Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks to the instructions on the Caveman Keto site, MFP with Firefox displays my net carbs and macro percentages:

    For my setup I installed the Firefox add-on Greasemonkey and then the first script listed in the instructions. Works great and I'm glad to see the net carbs calculated 'cause I'm lazy. (lol)