July : Free To Be Healthy



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning hatters!

    Hope all of you enjoyed your long weekend and made time for family, friends, laughter and a little ME time!

    Just back from the lake and heading off to take my senior friend out for the day... its her 86th birthday so a drive in the country and lunch at her favourite little café tucked into a farmers market/general store out in the boonies... and a stop at the flower nursery on the way back for a few posies to decorate her garden. I suspect lunch will not have many "best" options available, but I will definitely be making the best choice available to me!

    Met my hydration goal yesterday.... and today got my walk in before heading out... both of which will take me closer to my goal.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

    PS Purple. PM msg sent :o)
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Morning All!
    I am happy as a clam this week at my progress towards my weekly goals. I even did two projects for motivation from this idea I got online ,one called Motivational Marbles

    I'm happy to say in my own version of that I have more marbles in the pound lost glass :smile:

    And the other called "Motivational Milestones" which I use to keep daily and weekly progress of my goals for the week

    Thanks so much Snooozie for the focus on goals and all your support - it has really, really helped me:smile:

    And thanks hatters for all your encouragement as well !

    Hope everyone has a Sensational Sunday :flowerforyou:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Susan!! I bet you're happy as a clam, girl!!! and walking on cloud #9...LOL... fabulous job on hitting your goals - and love the marbles and stones... great idea!! So proud of you..... you're doing so many great things that are all taking you closer and closer to your goal... IPOU to you!!!

    i'm back from my day out; didn't have a lot of great choices menu wise but opted for the best available and only ate 1/2 ..... but seriously low on my hydration for the day.. (not a lot of outhouses in the country!!) have a couple of hours yet to get it all in... so I WILL be chugging the H20 for the night... but I may have to close my eyes and imagine it's a frozen margarita... hey whatever works right?? :laugh:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I love your "Motivation Marbles", Susan!! and "Motivational Milestones" also!! A visual is such a good motivator!!
    It gave me an idea about excercising...I'm getting a can and putting a dollar in every time I exercise....May not sound like a lot, but I can by something fun and cute with it when I get smaller, maybe nail polish!!

    Great planning on your choices when out with your friend. I have been trying to follow your example at lunch...If I get a sandwich, I eat half and the remainder later on around 4:00. I am not so hungry when I get home at night. Thanks!

    Speaking of sandwiches...I am going to limit myself, I have been eating way too many Tomato sandwiches... white bread and mayo...but fresh garden tomatoes are hard to pass up.

    I am still trying to get my water in, along with not overeating at night...still one lb away from my ticker weight. I am so tickled that I have had a steady number for over a week..usually I push right back up the scale...

    I hope everyone is doing well. Stay cool. drink your water.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Great planning on your choices when out with your friend. I have been trying to follow your example at lunch...If I get a sandwich, I eat half and the remainder later on around 4:00. I am not so hungry when I get home at night. Thanks!

    Sorry, Snoozie, this was for you, but I left your name off...I know you would know that.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol Gail.. yes I would have! GOOD ON YA!!! You are awesome and happy if its working for ya... I find its wayyyyyy too long between lunch and dinner so I have to have that something to tide me over... ! :flowerforyou:

    and don't feel bad... I didn't even realize you had done another post right before this one lol.... so i'm just gonna backtrack to it.

    Sandwiches are such an easy "go to", aren't they?? Especially on dayshift I find myself eating way too many as well.. I actually switched to WW bread because of it.... the slices are 1/2 the thickness of a regular wonder bread kind, and more importantly for me, it/s 1/2 the carbs for 2 slices (and for me carbs = sugars). I HATE paying the price of the WW bread, but its the only one I've found that has lower carbs.. anyway... when I make a sandwich now tho, I ALWAYS include a protein.. chicken, tuna, egg, leftover steak, whatever.. and then I pile the veggies on.. tomatos, lettuce, onions, cucumbers, blah blah.. whatever I can find... and because its got all that good stuff in it, it's pretty high lol... so 1/2 at a time really satisfies me.... and I'm free to have the other half around 3pm to tide me over til dinner. Sometimes I'll just throw all the fixings in a tub and a little 1 ounce size tub of mayo.. and construct it at my desk so it doesn't get soggy from the tomatos. ha! But I do try to make sure it's only every OTHER day that I have the bread... inbetween i'll try to have a salad with chicken or beef, or leftovers from dinner the night before. If I have a tuna sandwich, then I usually only add lettuce so I'll take assorted veggies cut up and a little of the Ranch dressing for a dip on the side... again 1/2 the sammich with the veggies is enuf.. and about 3 hrs later i'm chowing down on the same thing again lol. Splitting it up over a couple of hours seems to work best for me at work..... and keeps me from that | i'm home and Im starving I cant wait for dinner so i'll eat whatevers handy" moment LOLOL.

    Honestly Gail, Im so impressed and so happy for you.. you are really working at making changes and keeping up moving the body parts in some way every day.... and it shows in the scale as you said!!! You're doing great.. and I love the idea of Susan's marbles and stones, and I think its a great idea on the $ every time you exercise.....!! Great motiviation and especialy cause its a win win. you get to SHOP with the $ after for some lovely bling lol!

    i am struggling with the water too ...... and I'm really having to work hard at it. but I'm making my goal more days than not so its just a matter of me really buckling down and getting the amount I want in - i may resort to putting little red stars on my calendar every day I make it. ust like back in school LOL!! Keep at it girl.. you're making great progress and i'm totally psyched for ya!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Gail- soooo happy for you being able to sustain your recent weight loss :smile: :smile: :smile: You are really rocking this!!! I hear ya about the sandwiches- I'm a sandwich junkie. I'm trying to make sure if I have bread at lunch that I limit carbs and skip the bread at dinner.

    Hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy and happy :flowerforyou:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    From Snoozie:

    Saw this great little article here on the MFP site this morning... a couple of tweaks that go back to the Hatters mindset of "small changes making a big difference!" Thought i'd share in case it's helpful for anyone else besides me LOL! Have a great day MFP's! :o) The difference between a healthy life and an unhealthy one is largely based on patterns of choices. Missing one workout or having one indulgent meal does not make you a fitness failure any more than having one “perfect” calorie-intake day means you’ll stay at a healthy weight for the rest of your life. Some people stay motivated by making big, sweeping changes to their lives, but most people find they can stay on track for a longer period of time by incorporating small, but powerful changes—tweaks that snowball into serious health-achieving momentum. Here are four power teaks that can do just that for you. 1. Don’t keep kryptonite foods at home This doesn’t mean you can never indulge, but if you make it super convenient to get to your favorite splurges (things like cookie dough, snack cakes, or potato chips) you’ll end up reaching for those items every time the craving strikes. It becomes an even better treat when you have to work for it. For example, if you’re really craving ice cream, take a walk to your local scoop shop and buy a single serving. (For more on overcoming trigger foods, read So You Want to Stop…Eating Kryptonite Foods.) 2. Make water your default beverage Put boundaries around soda and other sweetened drinks if you struggle with sipping too many calories. Don’t keep them at home, and make them a treat for special occasions only. Keep water super handy all day, every day. There are so many ways to doctor up h2o you should never get bored—room temperature, super icy, flavored with sliced berries, cucumber, or citrus, the options are endless. (Read So You Want to Stop…Drinking Soda for more tips on breaking a sugary beverage habit.) 3. Move more Take the stairs. Get off the bus one stop early. Go for a walk after dinner every night (bring your partner or the dog for companionship!). It sounds simple, but if you track your steps you’ll see these simple extra activities can add a thousand steps to your day—that’s 365,000 extra steps every year! Plus, walking for just 15 minutes has been shown to improve digestion and encourage fat burn. 4. Take a stand at work If you’re a desk jockey, chances are you spend most of your day slumped over a computer. Shifting from sitting to standing for 3 to 4 hours a day can have a massive impact on your health. Recent reports show standing burns 50 more calories per hour than sitting, which translates to 30,000 calories (or 8 pounds!) in a year. Those standing desks don’t look so ridiculous anymore, do they? Remember, on the journey to health everything counts; every step, every snack, every time you choose water over soda, every time you click “Complete this entry” in MyFitnessPal and finish tracking for the day - See more at: http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/2014/06/4-power-tweaks-for-a-healthier-happier-life/

    Have a great day and stay healthy and happy all you crazy mad hatters....:wink:

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Sooooooooo...What's going on with you Girls? What have you done this week that was just for you, something that no one benefited from , only you??

    1. I went to the dentist and had a tooth replaced. It was always a bit embarrassing when I would grin, and then I would think about my missing side tooth that was visible...:bigsmile:
    2. A long, hot soak in the tub!! :wink:
    3. A white hot pair of capris in a smaller size!! ( Well they may benefit my husband a little bit):blushing:

    Hope everyone is doing great!! Be good to yourselves. You deserve it!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hey Gail... thanks for posting... thought the crickets had invaded again..... :laugh: :laugh:

    We just met with a contractor... $17,000 for a new bathroom.... well, luckily there are plenty of hotels in the area (we only have one bathroom).....:noway: so guess I won't be drinking anytime soon....:drinker: (unless someone wants to go to Long Island and bring back some ice tea).....lol :blushing: :wink:

    Good news - New Bathroom... destroy and replace EVERYTHING!
    Bad news - wanted tile, but settled for acrylic.... easy to clean... and maintain... plus the real tile didn't feel as good as I thought it would... with a lifetime warranty...

    See you all soon...:flowerforyou:


    But on the flip side... did do zumba twice...:)
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Great to hear from you Gail and Carol and the nice things you have done for yourselves :smile:

    What I did for myself:
    1.I hit up a 30% off clearance sale at Dillards and picked up a cute pair of capris and a beautiful silk scarf
    2. I got a massage
    3. I'm going to lounge at the resort pool today
    4. I stuck to a high protein and 8 waters daily regime and FINALLY lost a few pounds

    Hope everyone else is doing well????
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :bigsmile: on the pounds lost Susan!!! :bigsmile:

    and the rest of it of course!!