Losing weight and LOVING IT!!

First off I am a 28 yr old 5'4" woman who has always had trouble staying at healthy weight and I would gain at the drop of a hat. In high school I was 155lb and running a mile a day and lifting weights as well as riding horses and felt like I was in good shape. In college I crept up to 190ish by not having a scale and just going by how my cloths fit ( I can gain weight but doesn't really change cloths size much). After getting a scale and out of a dead end relationship, I lost ~30lb watching what I ate and having a active job. Then came a desk job and marriage and I put on 2lbs, then 3lbs, then another 3lbs. I would try really hard to watch what I ate and calories in vs. calories out. I was constantly hungry and moody and it seemed like no matter what I did, it didn't work. I was also having issues with yeast infections and getting sick easily. Then I came across Atkins/ Low carb and figured why not it can't make it any worse.

I LOVE low carb! I have FINALLY learned to eat according to my TRUE hunger level, leave emotional eating in the dust, and finally found a comfortable slow and steady way to get healthy and lose weight! I started this journey Nov 2014 at 168lbs and just feeling disgusting. I was on antidepressants for anxiety, anti-fungals for chronic yeast infections, always getting sick with colds or the flu, having some nasty PMS symptoms, and was SO frustrated that no matter what I did not only could I not lose weight but I couldn't stop the weight gain either. I dropped 5lbs right way (water weight) and slowly and consistently have continued to lose. I've been losing about 1lb/ month, stopped all of my anxiety and anti-fungals, my skin is better than its ever been, I feel stronger and healthier than I have in ~10yrs. To date I have lost ~16lbs and I've had to buy new jeans since my old ones don't fit any more and the new ones I bought are starting to get loose too! I'm so glad I found out about low carb since it works well for me and my body seems to be REALLY happy doing it! I absolutely plan on continuing the WOE for the rest of my life. I just had to rant and rave somewhere and some people get SO grumpy or down right angry when I tell them I'm losing weight and that it came from low carb. So thanks for all of the great ideas on the site and all of the encouragement that you give each other!


  • linbert57
    linbert57 Posts: 154 Member
    Congrats on your progress! This is a great group to find support, ideas and advice on this woe. If you use facebook, there are several groups I joined there: LCHF - Low carb high fat eating group and The Low Carb Dish.