Welcome! Start Here ...

mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
Previously known as "Starting Strong, Staying Strong", we are a small group of ladies who are re-organizing with both old friends and some new ones.

Please take a moment to introduce yourself for the benefit of all. Please share what brought you to this group, what you hope to get out of it, and what you plan to contribute.


  • gsheppy
    gsheppy Posts: 283 Member
    Well I am happy to have the group back in action. I have missed everyone. I need to get back to basics. My name is Genn, with the help of mfp friends I am down about 35lbs from last august. I have 3 active kids, (2 teenage girls and 8 yr boy). Awesome husband who has just joined my journey and 2 jobs. Want and need to lose another 25 to 30lbs.

    Looking forward to meeting everyone.
  • cinnamoncarriere1
    cinnamoncarriere1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all, I'm so glad to find a group like this! So sick of hearing about all the extreme diets, etc. This is my kind of group, focusing on life changes. I have been up and down (mostly up ) in weight all my life, name a diet I've probably been on it. You know what I always gain it back and it brings friends back with it! I do have some significant health challenges I have to work around especially fitness, so that's an added bonus. For example I have had arthritis since I was 4 years old, and had to get both my hips replaced when I was 16-17. So ya things that don't help keeping me active. I have decided that this time I am working on steady life changes not fads. My main workouts are pool cardio, cuz its gentle on my joints. Recently I have been going to chair yoga. A modified yoga program, love it! Looking forward to doing this with you all!
  • eunicezieske
    eunicezieske Posts: 78 Member
    Hello my name is Eunice and I have tried all kinds of diets and I'm ready to change my life and try to eat better and do more good things for my body and for my future I love to talk so I love to encouraged others and listen to whoever needs me.
  • ichbinyagmur
    ichbinyagmur Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am Yagmur. I just joined mfp yesterday because I want to keep track of my food and exercise and stay motivated to be consistent. I lost 30 pounds 5 years ago and have been able to keep most of it off. I would like to get back down about 8 pounds, which is where I feel my best and most confident. I am 47, and I know I need to do more strength training to keep my bones and body strong. I just don't like lifting weights! So, that's my weak point. I just got back from a family vacation where my husband took this horrifying photo of me in my bikini. Instead of burying my head in the sand, I decided to force myself to look at the reality in hopes that it will keep me motivated. I look forward o getting to know all of you as we forge along toward healthier lives. :)
  • Hi there! My name is Deirdre. I love the idea of this group and am happy to have found it and you all! I just turned 40 and am on a mission to take off the weight. I have made some good progress as of late but am at that plateu weight I usually hit - I will get pass it this time, however, and reach my goal weight. I look forward to getting to know you all more and sharing with you and supporting each other. ~ Deirdre
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Nathalie and I am turning 40 in February. I've just joined mfp for the first time and have made some posts but am excited to be part of a group who I feel will help and support each other!
    I gave up smoking earlier this year which was the first big challenge for me, it's gone well and it will be a year in September! I now feel ready to work on my health and fitness and am determined to enter my forties in a much happier and healthier position, like Deirdre, I look forward to getting to know you all and reading your posts! Good luck to all :)
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    Hi there! My name is Lisa. I am 51 years old and the moderator of this group. I am a working mom of two teenage boys. My husband and I celebrated 20 years of marriage earlier this year. In my first 6 months at MFP, I lost 35 lbs and 3 pant sizes which I attribute to daily food logging, my fitness-coach/son, and my MFP friends. In our household, health and fitness is a bit of a family affair which has helped me maintain but with working three jobs, high school sports schedules, attending to college applications and high school graduation, etc., life has gotten the best of me these last couple of months and it is time to get back to basics! I am coming up on my MFP one-year anniversary and want to lose the 8 lbs that has recently crept back on, plus an additional 25 lbs but I need a jump start to plug back into my friends and group accountability. I offer friendly advice when asked, and will also give a kick in the pants if needed. You are welcome to reciprocate! :laugh:

    I am looking forward to re-connecting with previous friends and making new ones. No Excuses!! Let's push each other across the finish line together!!
  • Kate741
    Kate741 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello ladies. I am Kathy. I have been on and off of this site for a while but really need to get serious about getting healthy. I am a 57 years old and a widow who lives in Florida. I have 6 children and 12 grandchildren. My youngest son just recently moved out on his own so I am now an empty nester. It has been so long since I concentrated on myself it's like a whole new life. So it is time to make changes and get this process going. I appreciate all of the help and support.
  • 1gonkee
    1gonkee Posts: 2
    Hi all,
    I'm close to turning 53 and recently gained some additional weight after hovering at 199 lbs. For several years, now. I don't like having this new belly fat nor the threat of becoming diabetic, so after losing 7 lbs. On a 9 day cleanse, wanting to keep up the momentum and invitation to join this group, here I am! It will be good to have others in the group, keep me motivated! Thanks Cuz!
  • LStonePTL
    LStonePTL Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Everyone. My name is Lynnette and I am a Christian who believes the Bible is truth and Gods instructions through this life. I am also a 32 yr old Mom of 4. My oldest is almost 12 and youngest 5. I am a school teacher so I work full time 10mo. out of the year.

    I started my weight loss journey June 2013 mostly because my Husband was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of his hips and he needed to lose 150lbs to try and prolong the life of his natural hips. Because I am the grocery shopper and chef of the house I needed to get on board for his sake. Fast forward 13 mo. and together we have lost 180 lbs. Him 130 and me 50. It hasn't been easy fitting in gym time or food prep into our schedules with for kids and full time jobs but by the grace of God he has held us together and given us the strength to persevere. I started a weight loss program at our church a few months ago and the 20 people who joined had lost 200ish lbs. in 8 weeks. I love helping and motivating others to start and continue their own weight loss journey through lifestyle changes.
  • chloe2300
    chloe2300 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi there, my name's Chloë. I started using MFP a year ago but was patchy in logging foods and sticking to my calorie limits. Since knuckling down I've lost over 50lbs but still have a way to go. My goal is to keep making small changes that I can stick to. I know for me this is only going to be successful if I implement a lifestyle change rather than follow a short-term fad so I am really happy to have found this group :)
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    Welcome Chloe! Next step is to decide on your cardio goal and set yourself up on the tracker spreadsheet under "Summer Challenge" posting. We are glad to have you. Congrats on your weight loss so far. You can be an inspiration to the rest of us as well!
  • mrsme1008
    mrsme1008 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Cheryl here! So sorry for being MIA - I needed to re-structure some things, but I'm on board and ready to roll!

    Married to my high school sweetheart and the proud Mother of two young men who will always be my "babies" LOL. I work full time in an HNW accounting firm. I am the Executive Assitant and Office Manager. Seasonal long hours and stress - both not conducive to a healthy lifestyle.

    I'm 58 years young (officially in three weeks) and struggling with consistency in my workouts. I do really well for a couple of days and then slack off, hence I keep losing and gainig the same couple of pounds! UGH. Food isn't an issue for me as I mostly eat clean except for my love affair with chips. Popchips are my vice of choice along with popcorn (the clean kind with only a little sea salt). I have a bad knee which now prevents me from running, which I love, and the walking is not doing it for me! I started taking swimming lessons a little over a month ago (yes I'm one those who never "formally" learned how) so soon I will be able to swim those long laps and burn off some calories.

    Sorry to ramble. Looking forward to "meeting" all of you and working together to get on track, get back on track or take it to the next level!

    Mamacoates thank you so much again for taking the reins and putting this group together! :drinker:

    Cheryl - :flowerforyou:
  • Arylea
    Arylea Posts: 7 Member

    My names Arylea, or Ary for short. Like many, I have struggled with my weight my entire life, and have lost weight with the wrong motivation and changes before, to only gain it back within a few years of slothfulness. January 2012 I got divorced, went through a bunch of life changes, and found myself in a very healthy relationship. I have been able to repair my self emotionally with him, and am soo lucky to have such a caring and supportive companion in my life. I have been on the verge of this new life change for a while, and finally started to kick it into gear in April of this year, shortly before this I left a very stressful job and kicked caffeine out of my life. Things have been awesome since, and I've managed to lose 42 lbs since February, when I started this mindset change and revved up the determination. I'm usually not one to reach out myself, but do love to support others, whether it through positive motivation, recipe ideas, or fun new exercises or sites and apps used to help keep it all together.

    Right now, I just got back from camping and about 2 weeks where I wasn't able to hit the gym as frequently, but still lost 3.5 lbs! I'm kicking back into gear, and getting back into resistance training since the 2 week lull. Love that fresh sore feeling, it just means progress. :) Please add me as a friend, and hit me up if you want to chat, share ideas, and such. Looking forward to a challenge!
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    Welcome Arylea! Please take some time to browse a few of our basic posts and get yourself set up on our miles/minutes spreadsheet. We are about 1/2 way through our summer challenge period and would love to have you join in wherever you are.
  • annadchang
    annadchang Posts: 60 Member
    Hello all!! My name is Anna. I am 34 yr old, married and mother of a four year old son. I work full time and is a caregiver to my mother that is battling stage 4 lung cancer. The first six months of all of this I was having a hard time with keeping on track. Last week, I started to get my mojo back. Lost the 5-7 pounds I gained and ready to rock and roll (plus I have a vacation in two months). My husband is very supportive considering he lost 65 himself. Very proud of him (I was jealous at first). I have been walking a mile about every other day (have to start somewhere). So far I have lost 25 since Oct 2013. I would like to lose 25 more. I would be around the weight I was when I started dating my husband 10 years ago. I am thankful that I am able to help motivate people and help them reach their goals.

    Question: Does anyone know why we can't read message boards on our cell phones? Very inconvient.

  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    Hi Anna! Great to see you here. Please join in and start logging where ever you are at and finish out the summer with us. While we have several members, and many regular posters to the progress spreadsheet, Gen and I seem to be the only members to post regularly in discussion groups. So please jump in and visit us frequently!!