Wed Check in July 2.

Hi all,

Just getting us ready for tomorrow.

I have been feeling guilty. I started this weekly check in, then sort of fell of the board. Well, I really was in no mood to check in or do anything. Ok. that said. I am back. Will check in tomorrow when the day is right!


  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Hi all,

    Just getting us ready for tomorrow.

    I have been feeling guilty. I started this weekly check in, then sort of fell of the board. Well, I really was in no mood to check in or do anything. Ok. that said. I am back. Will check in tomorrow when the day is right!


    Remember we are all on this journey together. character-emoticon-0012.gif
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Checking in for June 25th- July 1st:

    Major wins for the past week:
    -- Exceeded June 250 mile biking goal by 0.4 miles smileys-happy-751965.gif
    -- Biked for a total of 57.6 miles (5 rides)

    Challenges for the coming week:
    -- Reduce carb/fat consumed (over fat 1-day this week)
    -- Upper body workout by de-clutter the garage
    -- Lunch dates and 4th of July gatherings

    This past week found myself in restaurants a lot more the usual -- not a good thing. And now the three day 4th of July weekend is coming up, there will be lots of pool time with plenty of food and drink available. Temptations at every turn! smiley-vault-character-015.gif

    July's goal will be to focus on strength training. This will be done through all the totin' and liftin' required to clear out the storage shed, aka the garage. ermm.gif

    Albert Einstein, who discovered that a tiny amount of mass is equal to a huge amount of energy, which explains why, as Einstein himself so eloquently put it in a famous 1939 speech to the Physics Department at Princeton, "You have to exercise for a week to work off the thigh fat from a single Snickers." ~Dave Barry, Dave Barry Turns 50
    Great job everyone and have a successful week. smileys-happy-783140.gif
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Lost a little this week again - I'm edging closer to my goal. In UK terms I'm back in the 8's again, meaning I'm just under 9 stone (fractionally but it counts!!) I want to get under 8 st 7 (that's 119 lbs) or lower, but really I just want to continue until the fat around my middle and hips has more or less gone, so that may be lower or not - it depends on what the results of my strength training will be. My muscles are certainly evident now and I love the stronger me. There's even a little bit of me that wants to compete again, but I think I had better sit on that one - my squats have technical problems I need to overcome as my form is bad. It used to be so good, so don't know if it is a learned bad habit over the years, or a flexibility thing. My PT and I are working on it!

    Nevertheless I am aiming for onwards and downwards.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Hi everyone......I can report that my weight has stayed stable! :bigsmile:

    My running really does depend on the weather.....not the cold but the heat....when it is so muggy I just can't face it! So swimming comes into it then. Not sure what I will do when the schools break up for the summer as the pool will then be full of children which I do not enjoy.... :ohwell:

    Anyway, more of the same here next week to maintain again or maybe drop another pound if it goes well! :flowerforyou:

  • sandiebro
    sandiebro Posts: 31 Member
    Well my weight has stayed the same for at least 2 weeks. It stays annoyingly at just one pound over normal BMI.

    My ego boost/NSV was yesterday when I took my grandson for a trial session At his new school ...the teacher asked him whether I was his Mum! Can only deduce she needs to go to SoecSavers.
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    First, let me thank you all for all the support over the short time I have been a part of this group. I know that the support and feedback I receive everyday makes a huge difference in my attitude and motivation.

    That said, I am happy to say that I had a really good week. I exercised for 9 straight days now and was able to get through this past weekend without the wheels completely falling off.

    Exercise - ~15 miles of walking over the past week
    Weight Loss - 4 lbs.
    I am sure much of this was because this is my first week really focused in a number of months :smile:

    - JB
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    And more importantly, everyone here is doing a great job, my experience with weight loss has always been difficult, and i am sure this time around will not be any different. There are constant ups and downs in this journey, and without the group here they would be much more difficult to deal with. You are all amazing people, and are all doing exceptionally well on your own journey while helping each other with ours.

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    JB, your loss was amazing! Good for you.
    Sandie, I feel for you. You are so close.
    Jean, you must have found the sweet spot to maintain. I think that must be hard.

    I have been at 182.5 since June 15. This week was no different. Weighed myself every morning and there's182.5. Oh, well, I didn't gain.

    I never have a problem exercising. I have cut back and that might be part of not budging (I have cut back on burning about 1,400 calories a week as a result) but an hour of cardio is just going to have to be enough. I am going to keep trying to get in my resistance bands better than I have (I did 4 days last week, want to do five). I did kick them up from 12 reps to 14 in the past 7 days. Want to be doing 15 reps by next week.

    Walked 46.7 miles last week of which 12.4 were cardio miles. Rode the stationary bike for a total of 3 hours.

    Eating hasn’t been a problem. I left 2,630 calories “on the table” so to speak last week. Along with my normal weight loss deficit, I should have easily lost 2 pounds, but…alas it doesn’t work that way.

    Also, we have turned hot and I just don't do heat. The heart must work harder to cool down and at some point metabolism slows down. I also have been drinking more water as a result of the heat (just can’t stay under my 50 oz. limit) so that makes a difference. I do know I am building muscle as I can tell by how I feel in my clothes.

    I see the doctor in less than two weeks. I really would like to have one more loss when I go to see him. Want to make sure that my BMI is less than 35 WITH my clothes on! Hmmm...what is the lightest weight clothes I own and still appear decent?
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Good Day All Dear Friends! Another week has gone by and now another week of opportunity!

    Margie, I agree with W3, no guilt :noway: we all have times when circumstances or moods flood over us, and many times with good reason! So very glad you started us off this week and looking forward to hearing back from you when you are ready :love:

    W3, amazing graphics, you are so clever and creative with them and they start us all off with a smile, thank you! Congrats with all your cycling success and good luck with your 4th of July celebration - remember it is about the company and friendship not the food (contrary to common belief). Enjoy!

    WelshL, it must be exciting as you edge closer to your goal and so happy to hear your toning is coming along! What do you mean about 'compete' - were you competitive in something when you were younger?

    Jean, great news with your successful maintaining efforts, it is quite an accomplishment!

    Sandie, yep, we all hate those 'rascally plateaus', :explode: the good news is that you are 2 weeks into a plateau so keep on plan as hopefully you are over half way through the plateau and good results will follow, it happened the last time, remember?

    JB, you are certainly a delightful newer member with your positive encouragement and sound advice :flowerforyou: and congrats on your loss but more importantly on getting back into a good routine, well done indeed!

    Charlie, you deserve a platoon of cheers for all your efforts and dedication :drinker: Your Dr is going to be so pleased with your progress! Wear light cotton, but not the see through type :blushing:

    I am happy to report I lost 1 pound again this past week, :smile: but have to admit it was a bit of a struggle, don't really know why. :indifferent: Very few walks this past week due to the high temperatures and the ridiculous humidity, 98 degrees for this Canuck is too much, yep I guess to my Southern Friends you are all just smiling at me :laugh: . I must admit I am a tennis nut and perhaps I have spent too much time in front of the TV watching Wimbledon from London! :blushing: So, oh positive and supportive Friends, good luck this upcoming week, remember we are not perfect, we are human! Little improvements do add up, look at all our weight loss, somewhere over the past several months, we have collectively lost a whole person and no we are not to go looking for him/ her!! Cheers, Marian
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    I actually made it to the Wednesday check in on Wednesday!!! :drinker:

    It have not lost more, but that is a good thing -- it means my stomach is feeling back to normal! I have lost inches through June and have hit the magic 8 stone 7 Welshlady and I are hovering around! We are sweat sisters for sure!

    JB, you're an inspiration and it is great having you hear. With your name, either you are a real Quebecois or an honorary one! In any case, glad you're around.

    We have finally had the HOT weather everyone else has been complaining about - I wimped out on my exercise yesterday, but made up for it today. I decided not to sit down until 5 pm, but to keep busy. I have gardened, watered, cleaned out my tent for an upcoming camping trip, washed down the deck, done laundry, gone grocery shopping (OK, I sat down in the car :sad: ) and did my strength workout and stretching. Ahhhhh! It was a sweaty day for sure, and one dip in the freezing pond and then a shower after my workout have cured me.

    charlie you are amazing!

    Sandie your story about your grandson cracks me up. I had my first at 38 and then adopted a boy born when I was 42, so I sometimes get the opposite -- yours sounds like way more fun!

    Keep it up, everyone. This guilt-free zone is great!
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I did pretty good last week. I stayed under my calorie goal most days and got some exercise on, too.

    Challenge for next week is to keep up the momentum.

    Wooken-you are just astounding and an inspiration. Keep up the good work.

    Californiagirl-you just keep coming back and seem to be going strong. Keep it up.

    All of you are doing great just being here and fulfilling a commitment to yourself. Cheers to you all.
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member
    This is going to be a really short check in the week as it is late and my eyes are closing. :yawn:

    I lost 1.4 pounds this week thanks to two days of no appetite and I am now getting antsy to get to my goal.

    I hope you all get what you desire for the next week.

    "The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends."
    — Unknown

  • retiredholly54
    retiredholly54 Posts: 33 Member
    A day late and a few dollars short - Dr. appointment yesterday and prescriptions filled for mild lung infection and pimple breakout all over my face - late to adolescence lol - caused by the sunscreen I was using on my face. :embarassed:

    Bad news is that I did not lose since I was not able to go on my walks: ohwell: but the good news is I didn't gain:smile: . To quote Marian "due to the high temperatures and the ridiculous humidity, 98 degrees for this Canuck is too much, yep I guess to my Southern Friends you are all just smiling at me". Good news it should be over by Saturday - hurricane Arthur will bring the rain, winds and cooler temperatures.

    Glad to see everyone making the effort! Happy July 4th to all my American friends - can't do the amazing graphics like W3.

  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    It is ok girlfriend don't beat yourself the main thing is your back!