Did you swim today?



  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Today: 1.5 miles. @ 75 minutes
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Haven't checked in here for a while, my swimming has been extremely erratic since March. Trying to get back into a routine now!

    3200m this morning with my swim buddy.

    200 free
    200 pull
    200 kick
    200 free
    200 pull
    200 kick

    5x200IM on 4.00 (3.11/3.15/3.15/3.19/3.06)

    400 free kick fins

    400 free pull paddles

    200 warmdown
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    4000m solo swim this morning. Still knackered from the 5x200IMs yesterday!!

    600 free
    500 free kick fins
    500 pull paddles
    400 back kick fins
    4x100 free on 1.40 holding <1.23
    300 free kick fins
    4x75 on 1.30 as 25IMO 50 free
    200 mixed kick no fins
    200 pull
    4x25 free kick max on 45 no fins
    100 back
    100 easy kick
    300 loosen

  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Today; 1 mile @ 51 minutes
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    4200m solo swim

    1000 free
    500 free kick fins
    500 pull paddles
    400 back kick fins
    400 as 100 back 100 free x2
    300 mixed kick
    300 pull paddles
    200 mixed kick
    200 as 100IM 100 free
    4x25 free kick max on 45
    4x25 free swim max on 40
    200 warmdown
  • kayak4water
    kayak4water Posts: 155 Member
    Right after dinner, into the pool. I didn't cramp, not did I feel slow-- just having a good time.
    Focus: arm orientation following hand entry during freestyle. Flutter kicking from the hips.
    Ten minutes of backstroke--drills & full stroke. Hand orientation and core rotation.
    Ten minutes of drills and full stroke for butterfly. Limiting the up & down, focus: forward motion.

    Pool crowded until 30 min before closing time--everyone simply left!

    Swimming for the love of it, because it's beautiful.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    3000m with my much fitter cousin!

    400 warmup

    10x100 free on 1.45 holding 1.23 or below

    1000 nonstop as third 25 of each 100 alt back or br

    200 as 100 back 100 free

    4x50 free kick no board arms by side

    200 as 100 back 100 br
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    3600m solo swim.

    500 free
    500 free kick fins
    500 pull paddles
    500 mixed kick fins
    200 as 100 free 100 back
    400 pull paddles
    300 mixed kick fins
    100 free kick
    200 pull no paddles
    100 kick
    300 warmdown
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Still no swims. Just got word that the pool is closed for at least an additional week. This puts the opening at 10/14. Boo hoo...
  • kayak4water
    kayak4water Posts: 155 Member
    Did not swim today nor for days, due to a small bike accident that scraped off some skin--that needs to scab over first.
    I did get in a few more (careful) miles on the bike. The rain begins again tomorrow and the bike needs a little lube job. Maybe swim tomorrow.
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    Been averaging four to five 2.5km swims a week.

    This week started some sprints. So a 2.5 km on Monday, sprints on Tuesday and a 2.5 km swim today!

    4 or so kilos down over the last 3 months. Slower progress then I'd hoped but I'll take it.
    Hopefully the sprints will help to jig my metabolism around Abit.

    NSV - 2 notches down on belt and clothes fit much better 👍
  • kayak4water
    kayak4water Posts: 155 Member
    I got out of the hot tub feeling cozy warm, stretched some and stuck my toe in the lap pool. Hmm, a bit cool. I jumped in. Yes! Very cool! My choice of four lanes.

    I drank far less water than usual, and never felt overheated. I hope no one corrects the pool temp.

    Basic stroke technique after a dry week. So much fun
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    A heinous 3400m with my swim buddy this morning!

    200 free
    200 kick
    200 pull
    200 free

    2x200IM on 3.40
    2x100 back on 2.00
    4x50 back on 1.00

    2 minutes rest

    2x200IM on 3.40
    2x100 br on 2.20
    4x50 br on 1.10

    2 minutes rest

    2x200IM on 3.40
    2x100 free on 1.45
    4x50 free on 55 last one max

    200 loosen

  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    3700m solo swim. I thought that doing a predominantly kick session would be the easy option.....I was wrong!

    400 warmup

    10x50 kick as 5 free 5 br on 1.10

    6x50 back pull paddles on 1.00

    6x50 back kick fins on 1.00

    12x100 kick fins on 2.00 as
    2 fly on back 2 back 2 free (twice thru)

    5x100 free pull paddles on 1.40

    200 kick

    300 warmdown

  • kayak4water
    kayak4water Posts: 155 Member
    Today, the lifeguards reported the pool temperature to be 75 degrees F, right after I stuck my toe in and said, "I think it's warmer than yesterday."

    I had a wonderful 42 minutes. No cramps. No overheating.

    I need someone to critique. I didn't often feel long and fast today. Do you ever freestyle with closed fists? I did today (like most days) & I wanted to enjoy it, but that won't likely happen until I get better.

    Do you swim backstroke, breaststroke or butterfly? Yes, I can do 40 minutes of freestyle. But if I don't do all four strokes, I don't get enough Humble Pie--they keep me in my place. 🙂

    Swimming for fun. Fast? Not a priority.
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    Today, the lifeguards reported the pool temperature to be 75 degrees F, right after I stuck my toe in and said, "I think it's warmer than yesterday."

    I had a wonderful 42 minutes. No cramps. No overheating.

    I need someone to critique. I didn't often feel long and fast today. Do you ever freestyle with closed fists? I did today (like most days) & I wanted to enjoy it, but that won't likely happen until I get better.

    Do you swim backstroke, breaststroke or butterfly? Yes, I can do 40 minutes of freestyle. But if I don't do all four strokes, I don't get enough Humble Pie--they keep me in my place. 🙂

    Swimming for fun. Fast? Not a priority.

    LOVE cooler pools! :D

    I started to do a couple of lengths with closed fists a few months ago, I think it has made a bit of difference to my pull, but like you, am swimming for fun so haven't been watching out for it. It is fun catching people looking at you weirdly though!

    I mainly swim front crawl, but today I swam 1km breaststroke after my 1km front crawl and wow, yeah, that made me outta breath. 20mins for the crawl, 25 for the breaststroke set but it felt sooooooo muccchhhhh longerrrrr. :)

    I do a backstroke/breaststroke mix as a cool down set after long swims but rarely otherwise.
    Butterfly, haven't tried since I was a kid, maybe next time I have the lane to myself! :D
  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member
    1800 free
    200 IM
    800 Back
    200 IM
    800 Breaststroke
    200 IM
    800 Free
    200 IM

    Mixed in some kick and pulls on the 800 sets. 5000 yards in whole.
  • shalsing
    shalsing Posts: 3 Member
    75 minutes today
  • kayak4water
    kayak4water Posts: 155 Member
    Awwww, they fixed the pool heater!
    Result: warmer & more people in the pool, but not to excess. In the last 30 min of pool hours, most folks have left the pool: my choice of lanes! And I can do butterfly without fear of someone whacking my hand with their teeth ☺️

    036 min today. Trying to keep my feet kicking in a smaller "tube"
    Keeping my head in neutral during fly until it breaks the water surface

    Scabs from bike crash flapping a bit as water flows over. All good!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    The session below is not recommended if you:
    A) Are drastically low in iron stores.
    B) Are seriously lacking in B12.
    C) Are swimming in a 30.5°C pool.
    D) Have woken up with a virus.

    Dumbarse me did it with all of the above! 5200m solo swim.

    800 warmup
    600 free kick fins
    6x100 pull paddles on 1.40
    500 back kick fins
    5x100 pull no paddles on 1.40
    400 mixed kick fins
    4x100 free descending on 1.40
    300 mixed kick fins
    3x100 back descending on 1.50
    200 kick no fins
    4x50 br on 1.10
    4x25 free kick max no fins on 45
    2x50 fly on 1.20
    200 warmdown

    Was happy to manage 1.26 for my last backstroke given how knackered I was by then. Think I'll be written off for the rest of the day though!!