Introduce Yourself

ttiger33 Posts: 165 Member
Hello everyone!! Glad you are as excited as I am to start this 60 day challenge! I know we will have fun making this lifestyle change!:happy:

I'm Antoinette. I've previously completed P90x,Insanity & am currently doing T25. My goal is to tone up, loose inches and have a healthy body!

Please take a moment to introduce yourself ,why you decided to do the challenge and what you plan on accomplishing with PiYo challenge?

If you haven't purchased Your PiYo yet yu can go to and go to SHOP to purchase. If you by under me you get a free bonus DVD!!!

Have A Wonderful Day! and see you Soon!


  • doowop713
    doowop713 Posts: 268 Member
    Please take a moment to introduce yourself ,why you decided to do the challenge and what you plan on accomplishing with PiYo challenge?

    Hello! My name is Nicole, I'm 24, and I started Piyo on Monday.

    I have a "coach" who told me about it and I was sold. I love Yoga but it never felt like it kicked my butt, so this sounded great. I am enjoying the Piyo so far.

    I plan on gaining flexibility, gaining good core strength, and learning how to follow instructions from a DVD. I was never awesome at that! It also isn't so terribly hard on you that you can't pair it with other exercise. I am trying to stick with 5x5 Stronglifts + Piyo + recreational fitness like riding my bike, walking, hiking, 5k's, etc.

    Thanks! Oh and feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • ttiger33
    ttiger33 Posts: 165 Member
    Welcome Nicole,
    You will love/hate this... I did not think I would work up such a sweat with these exercises.. I was completely wrong!