2014 MFP Tour de FranceChallenge - Graham Watson Thread

TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member

After the success of the Graham Watson Thread for the Giro, I guess it would be a chame not to do the same again for the Tour de France.

For those of you who don't recognise the name, Graham is pretty much the top dog when it comes to racing cycling photography - if you have spent any time whatsoever looking at bike race Images, chances are you've seen an awful lot of his work. Have a look here - http://www.grahamwatson.com/ - at some of the galleries, and you'll realise just how all pervasive his stuff is.

So, as you may guess, in parallel with the "Ride Logging" thread, we're going to have a "Photo Logging" thread, and at the end of the thread, I'll organise an independent judge to view the thread and declare a 1-2-3 of the Images submitted.

Please don't feel like you've got to submit something from every ride, just do something if it takes your eye, and it's generally "on topic" - the judge will be briefed to be looking for things that fit the theme of the Tour de France - so I'm expecting a fair amount of Yellow Jerseys (and bikes from Yorkshire), Polka Dots, Sunflowers, Stuffed Lions etc. as well as stunning views (with a bike propped up in frame somewhere)

If you wish to add a bit of a "ride report" with the photo, then all the better - I really think that the whole reporting thing added quite a bit to the experience of the Classics Challenge - both from my part, and for most of the people participating... I know I'd be thinking "I wonder where everyone's been and what stories they will have to tell" when I was riding the back half of my rides this year.

Thread is open for Submissions captured on any day 5th July through to 27th July and will close a few days afterwards - but don't forget the "rest day" shots shouldn't really be ride related.


  • KaktusJaque
    KaktusJaque Posts: 141 Member
    KJ Day 2
  • KaktusJaque
    KaktusJaque Posts: 141 Member
    KJ Day 1

    I saw a picture that Yen put up, so this idea for a picture comes from him.

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    A "Reet Grand" Day out...

    Decided to have a run out to the Second Stage of the TdF yesterday.

    After failing dismally to get to the Grand Depart in Leeds on Saturday through public transport failure... as in - I turned up at Wakefield Westgate Station to find punters queueing 10 deep to get in the doors of the station, you could see the station concourse and the platform were rammed with punters as well. Joined the Queue, but after 45minutes and 3 trains and had come and gone towards Leeds I was still 7 people back from getting inside the station, with another 8 deep of people behind me. At this point I pretty much thought "Etouffe La Pour Une Allouette" and went home and climbed on the bike for a ride in the sunshine.

    So, Sundays Mission was to get to the course by bike, much easier in terms of roads and routes than the Saturday course for me, as I didn't have to cross a couple of towns to do so... I'd decided to get up to the section somewhere near Langsett Reservoir. Unfortunately this DID involve somewhat more hills than I'm used to, but was 100% worthwhile. Ended up getting to the Flouch Roundabout, then taking a bit of a "cross country" route on a bridleway to get past the bit which had been barriered off. Once on the actual Parcours, I did another mile or so, contre-route so to speak - to lots of cheers and shouts of "Tha's goin t'wrong way lad...." from the wags at the roadside. I smiled so much my ears were hurting.

    Eventually found a good spot, with a older couple who had set their stall out to be comfortable - chairs, picnic basket, radio, the works. Parked the bike behind them to prevent someone standing on it, and was promptly handed a mug of coffee by the old dear. Bless her.

    So, after about a hour of chatting with them, the caravanne publicitaire started to roll through...

    Don't See Many Yeti's in the Wilds of Yorkshire


    The Obligatory Haribo Wagon (one of many)


    and many, many others - including a large wagon promoting McCains Ovenchips - yeah, very healthy.

    Eventually, the crazy vehicles dried up (I was saddened that the Motorised Profiteroles didn't seem to be over here this year, less unhappy that they weren't throwing those horrible strawberry and cream boiled sweets out)

    I didn't take many pictures of the lead group, and the ones I did take were tripe, but I did get some of the pursuivants and peloton...

    14594960715_4f3033d97f_z.jpgTdF_Peleton_2 by The Big Yin, on Flickr

    14594300082_8d6d5b7f53_z.jpgTdF_Pursuivants by The Big Yin, on Flickr

    14408550557_bffa1a9ee1_z.jpgTdF_Pursuivants_2 by The Big Yin, on Flickr

    You can see in the background the dark clouds beginning to gather, but which fortunately held off until after the race had finished.

    Once the Voiture Balai had gone through, it was a case of making a mad dash for home before I was caught in the rain. That's probably partly to blame for the 57.1kph average speed on this sector... http://www.strava.com/activities/162467187/segments/3770488685
  • KaktusJaque
    KaktusJaque Posts: 141 Member
    Did I miss read this post, are the pictures suppose to be of the actual TdF, or our own during the challange? Sorry if I hijacked this thread by posting my own pictures.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    No, it's pretty much a "ride report with pictures" thread! it's just that my bike ride happened to share a chunk of Tarmac with the biggest annual sporting event in the world :smile:
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I actually checked and discovered I could catch come of the Tour and so set the dvr to record. I watched the Stage 2 section and kept thinking of all the MFP Tour Challenge folks who have the chance to watch this live. I couldn't help but cringe everytime they road through crowds so tight you'd be lucky to get two abreast. And all the touching! Wow - it would throw me off my ride to have that many people. I've never watched before so my heart was in my throat for some of it. I can't blame the guys riding through and knocking the phones down out of their faces. Glad to see you were in a low key not so crowded area Yin. And a ride for you on top of it. Nice pics! Thanks for sharing.
  • harksy
    harksy Posts: 239 Member

    Photo from Five finger strand near Malin head, taken during yesterdays tour of Innishowen
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Great shot Alan, lovely bit of coastline you've got around there.

    and as an aside, if there was a local cycling club with a team strip that looked that good, I'd join 'em in a heartbeat.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    A few to add here...

    My viewing position for the TdF 2014 - Stage 1 @Masham (pronounced Mass'am, not Mash'am!)


    Full sized image here: http://tinyurl.com/llepy8o


  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member

    Looks like "The Death Star" shrank in the Rain on Friday night :laugh:
  • KaktusJaque
    KaktusJaque Posts: 141 Member

    Photo from Five finger strand near Malin head, taken during yesterdays tour of Innishowen

    Really nice scenery. I dont have much green where I am. Just a few cactus.
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member

    Great video, looks absolutely chaotic as they all come riding and driving though! :)
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Great video, looks absolutely chaotic as they all come riding and driving though! :)
    They're going at a hell of a lick fella...
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    They're going at a hell of a lick fella...

    You're not kidding, when they passed me, it felt like standing on the edge of a railway platform as an express train passed through...

    Got to love the hum of the tyres on the road though - that's one reason I really miss riding on Tubs - nothing else sounds quite like it.
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    As I ambled around the lanes of Somerset last night (http://app.strava.com/activities/163366058) I came across this yellow bike. Now I know this has been a popular thing to do in Yorkshire; what with the TdF visiting but surely this chap must be lost?! He wasn't very talkative when I tried to ask him! :wink: :laugh:

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Pictures from Stage Six Farm to Market Road.

    Farm to Market Road

    Harvest Hill Church Road

    Stillwater River
  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    What Melbourne can look like in winter.


  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    That's not winter! That's it. I'm moving to Melbourne in the wintertime. :laugh: :laugh:
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Rode from the Gateway Arch in St. Louis and took some photos:




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