Powerlifting Meet

jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
A friend of mine is hosting an open PL meet on August 2nd at his gym. it will be a full meet with the only classes being raw or geared. no age/weight classes as far as i can tell. its just 25.00 to enter and its not sanctioned by any specific federation. if you have never done a meet or just want to go for the fun of it(thats why im going, for fun and to support a friend) this would be perfect. no need to cut weight to make a specific class. ill put a link to the FB page for the event below. It is in the Tri-Cities(Northeast TN), Elizabethton TN to be exact, at Evolution Sports Gym. if anyone is within a reasonable time away and would like to come then do it. it would be fun to meet some of you all.

