Carb Help

MissTeaBoo Posts: 6 Member
I am new to IIFYM, and am having a lot of trouble hitting the Carb Macro. Fats - no problem, Protien I can hit, but Carbs I never make it to the recomended amount. Any suggestions? I hade over 100g left by the end of the day yesterday.

I can't eat things that spike my blood sugar levels due to PCOS, so eating candy or more sugar are not really an option, and bread and I don't seem to agree with each other if I eat more than 2 slices in a day! I could try gluten free, but I have never liked the ones I have found.

I think maybe I should lower the carbs and maybe up the fat, but I really wanted to try the recomended macros for a few weeks before tweeking them.


  • MissTeaBoo
    MissTeaBoo Posts: 6 Member
    Oh and I am not a big fan of rice too, but maybe I better become one :)
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Fruit - I can pretty much go over carbs just by eating bananas, cherrys, etc.
  • mdizzle99
    mdizzle99 Posts: 169 Member
    Hitting the carb macro is the least important. If you're hitting the protein and fats, then I'd just focus on overall calories and eating what you enjoy so you can be consistent. Going over in carbs and not getting enough protein is the problem most people have

    If you really want to get more carbs, I agree that fruit sounds like a good suggestion.

    Just curious, what are your macros set to?
  • CoachPabon
    CoachPabon Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with the other responses here ...
    Going over on the Carbs & not finding a way to hit protein seems to be most people's challenge ...

    I definitely like to throw in an Organic Banana w/dinner once in a while ...
    I also like Ezekiel bread -- You can find that usually in the freezer section of the supermarket ...

    Other than that, you can try a meal-replacement powder ...
    Just try to watch the sugar content in some powders.

    Best of Success!!

    - sam