New to the group and saying hello!

Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
Hi all! I just found this group today but finished week 5 of C25K yesterday. I started as a total non-runner. The one mile intervals seemed like torture. But, I kept on keeping on and here I am 5 weeks later and I am LOVING running! I did the solid 20 minute, no stopping run yesterday with ease.

I started the program with my friend and while we are still both doing it and check in with each other after each completed day we no longer are doing the actual runs together. She was great for motivation (still is) though and it definitely helps having someone who is where you are in the program. Our problem even more than getting our schedules together is that she much prefers running on the treadmill and I hate it. For me it is so much more rewarding to run outside. I'm fortunate to have a great route near me through the Amish countryside of Lancaster County and I just can't give that up. It's hilly but I feel like that is building me into a better runner and it gives me such a sense of accomplishment to get to the top of a big hill and see the beautiful views as my reward.

I am doing my first 5K on vacation in August (The Outer Banks, NC) and we are signed up for a 5K back at home in September as a family. We'll be (mostly) walking/ (a tiny bit of ) running that one with my 4 year old son, 6 year old daughter, and 8 year old daughter. Now that I am semi-far into my own program I'm going to start using my days off to work with them. I run Tues/Thurs/Sat so I'm thinking Sundays we may go out as a family for walks and some light running for fun. My 8 year old is interested in doing the program herself so I'm kicking around the idea of starting back at week 1 with her on Mon/Wed/Fri and seeing how she does but I'm also nervous about running every day. Has anyone gone to daily running with 3 days being your regular tough C25K days and the others being light running? I'd want to keep it fun for her and only go at a pace she wants to tackle so I would assume we would stay at week one for a while for her so it would be pretty light running for me. Thoughts?

Anyway, that's me! Can't wait to meet the rest of you!


  • CarlaMomOf4
    CarlaMomOf4 Posts: 138 Member
    I just also completed week 5 day 3 today :) That 20 minutes seemed like a far fetched run weeks ago, but here I stand also with it now in my back pocket ;) I took a small 3 minute walk break instead of the cool down then ran another 13 minutes home! I think it is great that your kids want to get into running, though I'm not sure how it will go where the distance is concerned. I run a lot with my 12 year old, he is great and can almost run a full 5k on his own also. I bet if he slowed down a bit, he would rock it. My 7 year old whined and cried the entire time basically the last time I took her out. It could have been the location, and I have yet to try her again to see if it would be any better. My 9 year old came out with us on the same occasion and he attempted to keep up, but the next time I asked him to go, he said no LOL I'm not a big persuader and that probably doesn't help your question, but from what I did experience, I don't think it would hurt your running.

    Maybe make it a walk day like you said and go on a country road or somewhere with no traffic so they could try running a bit and you can just walk or jog lightly to keep up. Or maybe have 2 adults and have a start and finish area and one person manning each area and allow them to see how far they could run. I should try some of these ideas myself :) Keep in touch and feel free to add me as a friend. I look forward to hearing how it goes!!