Labor Day Challenge



  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I'm in!

    CW: 198
    GW: 180

    I am going to add an exercise goal - strength training 3 times a week, whether I do it when I do my cardio before work (if I can get up any earlier!!), or if I have to make time after work to do it!

    CW: 187

    I didn't make my goal but I am happy with my results. I hit my first stall ever since surgery at nearly 11 months out - not going to complain about that, it happens! I have continued to do everything I am supposed to do, and I know I am going in the right direction! I have worked on stepping up my game as far as exercise. I tried a Krav Maga class, a spin class, and I am going to start working with a personal trainer to help me push through to the finish line!
  • MindyMac51
    MindyMac51 Posts: 38 Member
    RNY 11/02/10 (SW: 260; HW: 280; LW: 182); Working off regain of 38 lbs. since June 26, 2014; 17 down, 33.8 to goal.

    Wt. goals:
    SW 213 when I started this challenge
    8/5 209
    GW 204 by Labor Day
    CW 203.8. MADE GOAL!

    Longterm GW 170 by 11/02/15 or sooner!

    I was keeping up with my goals for both weight loss and exercise until last week, and Met my weight loss goal! Yay! But I couldn't keep up with the exercise goals because I injured my right foot -- inflammation of the ball of the right foot, called sesamoiditis. No walking from Tuesday, August 26 until today. Pain subsided and I got out for 68 minutes today, Labor Day. Back on track!

    Good luck all! What's our next challenge?
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I'm in!

    CW: 198
    GW: 180

    I am going to add an exercise goal - strength training 3 times a week, whether I do it when I do my cardio before work (if I can get up any earlier!!), or if I have to make time after work to do it!

    CW: 187

    I didn't make my goal but I am happy with my results. I hit my first stall ever since surgery at nearly 11 months out - not going to complain about that, it happens! I have continued to do everything I am supposed to do, and I know I am going in the right direction! I have worked on stepping up my game as far as exercise. I tried a Krav Maga class, a spin class, and I am going to start working with a personal trainer to help me push through to the finish line!

    For some reason I can't edit this post, but my CW is 185, not 187!
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    My goal is to stick with my current plan. exercise 30min 3xwk, try to stay around1350 cal. and drink 16 glasses (8 oz)of water daily. It seems to be working for me, so not broke....don't fix it. This challenge will help me to stay on track. :flowerforyou:

    Ok so I have upped the ante a little. I am now doing 30 min. 4x wk. and trying to get back to drinking my 16 glasses of water. I have fallen a little short there. I have been getting in around 14 glasses.

    Long weekend update. I now generally exercise 5x wk and my time has increased from 30 min + now. My water is still between 14 -16 glasses of water.

    Hope everyone made their goals or at least improved their healthy life style. Have a great day!!

    How is everyone else progress???
  • april731
    april731 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm in again!

    CW: 264.6
    GW: 240

    Exercise goals: Exercise at least 30 minutes every single day. Finish the C25K program!

    Though I would post a mid-challenge update:

    I'm a little over halfway to my Labor Day weight goal - currently at 250.2. I'm optimistic I'll be at 240 and still think this is a realistic goal to meet by Labor Day (but if I don't, I'm still happy with the progress!). Had a hiccup with C25K because I started having thigh pain when I was increasing my run times, but I'm still working on it!

    How's it going for everybody else?

    Shortly after I posted my last update I hit a 1.5 week stall, but I weighed in at 243.5 this morning. 3.5 pounds shy of my Labor Day goal but I'll take it!

    I'm looking forward to being in the 230's this month - my lowest adult weight (since probably middle school!) was about 230 so I'm super excited to move into "uncharted territory."
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    So no weight goal for me this time. I went into surgery with no specific number in mind, but more for overall health. While I still need to lose more, I don't really care what the ultimate number is. The last big weight number for me is Onederland and since I'm only 1.4 pounds away, I would have to really screw up not to reach it. :noway:

    Instead, I'm focusing on exercise. My goal for Labor day is to do strength training 2x/week and cardio 2x/week on top of my daily walking commute.

    Onderland achieved! CW is 194.4
    I'm 50/50 with my exercise goal. I've exercised at least 4x/week on top of daily walking commute, BUT haven't been so good about devoting exercise time to strength training.
  • Stephaniev51697
    Stephaniev51697 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm in again. I'm still in my weight loss phase, only 4 months out from Sleeve surgery so my main goal is to lose weight

    CW: 176.3
    GW: 155

    I'm also starting the gym with my daughter, aiming for 5 days a week so I'm adding this into the challenge as well to keep myself accountable. :)

    Good luck everyone!

    CW: 164.4

    Didn't make my GW, August was pretty much a month long stall for me..
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I'm iffy about joining because I will likely have my surgery, but I'll try:

    CW: 358
    GW: 335

    Exercise goal: 3x per week to the gym for cardio, minimum of two of those including strength.
    Secondary Exercise goal: learn to do Squats and start doing them

    All this will change depending on when my surgery is scheduled


    Didn't make it, but close.

    CW 337

    Exercise was not nearly as regular as the last challenge, but still decent.

    Surgery scheduled for September 30th!

  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    Nice job everyone!

    Don't be too upset if you didn't make your goal! The point is you still pushed for it! I know the plateaus can be killer!

    You all did awesome! Let's hear some more results!
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    CW: 224.4
    GW: 210

    I was stalled at 220 for over a month, and lost slowly otherwise, so I did not meet my goal. I ended at 218.9. Only a little disappointed, but determined and totally in for the next goal!