still going steady

AsiasMommy Posts: 64 Member
I just want to say that this is one of the hardest things I have ever done. I am so anxious about if I will see this lifestyle change though. I feel better and I'm 20 pounds down! Stay motivated everyone!


  • KreeativeKat
    KreeativeKat Posts: 27 Member
    Well Done. Twenty pounds is a lot of weight ; if you want an idea of how much you've lost, try putting 20 x 14oz tins into a bag, and carry it around for a bit. Just think - your poor body was having to drag all that extra weight around day in day out..

    I've hit (again) the dreaded plateau but, (confession) I've been really naughty the past couple of weeks - and bored with weighing all my food. I've decided that rather than feel guilty I'm going to have this week off and eat normally, and start again on Monday. The problem is I only need to lose around another 10lbs and I'm becoming a bit complacent. The one thing that is motivating me is reading all the posts and realising that everyone else is finding this oh so difficult.
  • IlluminatedMayhem
    Great job.

    I fell off the wagon during the first week of July but I hopped back on. Despite that, I'm down 35lbs from my starting weight. I'd like to lose another 10-15 before the end of this challenge. If I can manage 15, that would be a total of 50lbs lost and I'd only need to lose 5 more to not be morbidly obese anymore. Which would be huge since my most successful attempt before now I only lost 20 lbs (which I gained back and then some)