Read the book years ago, but have NOT implemented!

spikesmom Posts: 441 Member
Hi all! I'm looking for help, guidance, advice, swift kick in the oh so flat derriere, etc!!
I just came back from vacation with a few extra pounds, adding to my already extra 5 pounds from the holiday season. I'm big on cardio but I've been told that now is the time to start weight training and use the extra weight for buidling muscle. is this so?

I have weight trained before and hated it. I had a trainer for a year, and what a waste of money he turned out to be. So, this is what I want to conquer next.

Please help me get going!!


  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Well, there's no time like the present to get started, right? More muscle means you burn more calories; plenty of women here don't do any cardio at all and just lift a few days a week. I like to do a little of both, but don't sweat it if I don't get to the cardio. Get to it!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Read this:

    It written by Alwyn's wife. There is research along with her own anecdotal evidence on why strength training can be superior to cardio for fat loss and achieving the "fit" aesthetic.

    Also, Alwyn wrote this several years ago, but it is still very relevant:

    If these articles can't convince you, then nothing I can say will :)
    The NROL programs have changed my life literally. I never thought my body could do what it can do. I never thought I would have a better shape after having 3 kids than I did when I was in high school- and I still weigh more than I did then. I'm very glad I made the decision to start lifting heavy.