Ashtanga question

auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
I don't have the arm strength yet to do arm balances (rooster crow,etc,). Are there any modifications to the poses or alternate poses that would help build me up to that point? Also, poses with similar benefits to headstand that I could do during that point in the series?


  • Dessilicious
    Dessilicious Posts: 12 Member
    The vinyasas and Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog) will help you build the necessary strength, the Surya Namaskars as well.
    As to headstand, Prasarita Padottanasana and its variations and Uttanasana have the benefits of Sirsasana and will get you there in no time.
  • panchakshara
    panchakshara Posts: 37 Member
    There's baby crow, but I actually find it more difficult than regular crow . . .

    You can always try lifting one leg up at a time in crow as well.

    Have you tried headstand prep (walking your feet in close like you're prepping for a headstand but not actually kicking up, or kicking up one leg at a time?)

    Dolphin push-ups and dolphin planks are a great way to build upper body strength as well, although they are more suited to helping with forearm stand than with headstand I think because of the arm position

    Hope that helps!
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    - just came along to say the first two posters have pretty much answered your questions, and

    - I couldn't hold a headstand until I did a load of holding dolphin with feet close to the head and engaging the rhomboids with the shoulder blades down the back. Now headstands feel light and comfortable.

    - "practise, practise, practise - all is coming".
  • puruhutika
    puruhutika Posts: 18 Member

    What Yogicarl said is true. I practiced the "crow pose" for eight months. At first it is quite difficult, but I practiced persistently. Also, I watched several videos on youtube, Kinoyoga helped me a lot. To get the strength required, practice "chaturanga dandasana" or plank pose. Namase.
