Dairy free Protein Supplements?

Okay so...
I have to eliminate Dairy, Gluten, Eggs, and Soy from my diet, or at least drastically reduce them all. I cannot have any dairy at all though because that is the one that my body reacts the most to. Gluten makes me bloat and idk what Soy does to me but apparently I'm a little allergic to it as well. lol I'm doing P90x so I really need a protein mix or something to keep me going, any suggestions??


  • safronia
    safronia Posts: 8 Member
    Jay Robb makes a protein isolate that is lactose free, with no soy or gluten. I'm lactose intolerant but I use Biochem's Whey Isolate protein powder. It's 99% lactose free, so although it is milk derived I don't have any problems digesting it. If you want to be completely dairy, egg, and soy free you'll probably have to stick to vegan protein powders. Just a heads up, they taste awful.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    My favorite dairy free protein supplements are deli sliced chicken breast and ham.
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    If you're looking for a protein powder, I like Muscle Meds Carnivor. Though, if you use a blender or mixer to mix it up, it can get a little foamy. It's dairy and gluten free.

    Also, there are vegan options that you could try: Sunwarrior and Vega come to mind, but there are more.

    Other than that, I'm a huge fan of real protein sources; fish, beef, pork, chicken, turkey. I prepare a lot of foods before hand and store them in the fridge. That way it's ready to go when I need it.