6 months of Keto and have developed gallstones

itsryanneyo Posts: 18 Member
So after a month of horrible stomach pains, I finally went to see my alternative medicine doctor. My gallbladder is sludgy and full of pebbles, and she's put me on a pretty good dose of hydrangea root to break up the stones and hi-lipase to get everything flushed out of my g.b... I've read so many different versions of what causes this--eating high fat / eating low fat / eating low fat and then going to high fat. I'm not too terribly wrapped up in what caused it, but rather getting it taken care of. I still battle the constipation that everyone else seems to get past after the first 4 weeks, and I'm sure that this has contributed to my g.b. issues. Anyone else had to deal with this? My results and every other aspect of my well-being are so great, I can't fathom not being on a LC lifestyle. I love my bulletproof coffee, but even sometimes just a few sips is now sending my gut into the ultimate knot. I haven't let this issue keep me from working out, still going strong 6 days a week, but not sure how much longer I'm gonna be able to keep that up...

Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated!