What to do when you want to give up

If your human like me then there have been or are going to be days when you want to forget about your diet or just quit altogether. I realized that I was working to hard without enough fun. When something is fun do you want to quit? The first few weeks of starting any program or diet is the most difficult because your mind and body isnt used to the new change and if your like me if after a few weeks and you dont see any results you feel like "well didnt work gave it my best shot" not seeing result immediately can be very disheartining but you have to put in work to reap the reward nothing worth fighting for comes easy why not have that same mentality about your health. You can up thats easy right? and it will be another x marked failure of goals you didnt complete. You can do this if I got through it why cant you? When you want cheat ask your is this x worth all the progression i have made. Then go find a heathier option another trick i used whenever i wanted to cheat i popped a piece of gum in my mouth until my next meal. Here are some ways to make your workout fun

1 Turn up some music that will get you pumped up
2 Show off your progression
3 Find a partner (My kids are my the best partners)
4 Look at befores and afters of people who have done the program if you have facebook my name is under adriana jameson
5 Try different recipes
6 Go shopping after you start seeing some results