Introducing myself --- 66 yo ticking time bomb

bostonlulu Posts: 6 Member
Hi All,

I am so pleased to find this group of sage, wise folks and love the idea of a Wednesday check-in. Anything that can help me be accountable is so welcome. I posted a long story in the introduction forum. I'll give you the microwave version. I'm a 66 yo, single female and I feel like a ticking time bomb. After a lifetime of yo-yo dieting, I find myself at the beginning of some serious medical issues and have constant joint pain which impacts my mobility. At this point, losing weight would reverse 90% of the issues.

Right now, I have to curb my impatience and be willing to take baby steps. I really wish I had a fairy godmother with a magic wand to zap me to my goal.

My challenge right now is getting up at 6:30 am when I am really not a morning person. There is a pool arthritis class at 8:15 and I know it would help my range of motion and flexibility, not to mention ease the joint pain. There's is a water aerobics class after that. Any thoughts or strategy suggestions? I fight going to sleep at a reasonable hour.



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I don't have advice on getting up. I hate it but I do it to get to work. I, too, fight sleep. Do you have sleep apnea? I do, but hate my C-pap. People with sleep apnea tend to fight sleep. Most work nights (until I find a night that I just have to crash) I average only 3-5 hours sleep. I'm up at 5:30 a.m.

    Joint pain isn't good! What is the diagnosis? I have RA but it is in remission and I am mostly pain free. I take hydroxychloriquine for it still. I had taken methotrexate, too, but was able to go off it. I could try to go off the hydroxychloroquine, but since it takes 6 mos. for it to work and methotrexate is so much more toxic, I'd rather stay permanently on the hydroxychloroquine. Along with the RA, I have sjoghrens syndrome. It can cause joint pain, too, but I'm pretty a-symptomatic with it.

    Water aerobics sounds like the perfect thing for you! Be sure to do stretches, too. Also, you might to strengthen your muscles to take some pressure off the joints. I use resistance bands for strength training.

    Welcome to the group. You will find many good, encouraging friends.

  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Hi Lulu and welcome to the group.

    If you hate getting up early, try it a few times to do the class, then go back to bed afterwards - might make it more do-able. If you don't work, then catch up on your sleep when you can. There is no law that says you have to sleep at night - do what suits you!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Welcome to the group....... lots of helpful people here ... I am sure you will get some good advice to help you along your way...... sounds like exercise in water would be a great first step!

    Good luck

  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    Welcome! I'm a morning person, so I am up at 4:30 every morning, of course I have to be at work by 6 a.m. - only one more year of that! the swim arthritis classes etc... are fabulous and well worth the effort of getting up. You will feel so much better, it is also an excellent way to exercise and not have the pounding impact on those arthritic joints. I have sever osteoarthritis so it is very difficult to get that movement in there. I agree with the nap afterwards - you will feel so relaxed etc. you will probably take a really good nap and that is good for your general well being.
  • Gigigator6
    Gigigator6 Posts: 11 Member
    you've had some great advice here, and I really have nothing further to add but to say hi,welcome to the group. I hear you about the joint night my hips are killing me. The pool is my savior and I try to get in and do some movement when I get home from work, Florida weather permitting. I keep the solar heat cranked up during the week so it is a bit warmer at night.

    Charlie's point about sleep apnea is a good one. I finally broke down and did a sleep study, knowing I had it. I too hate the cpap but I do get a better sleep with it. I try to keep it on at least 4 hours a night. Some nights I sleep so soundly I don't wake up so I get 6 hours with it. Definitely feel better on those mornings!

    Know that you are not alone in your struggles, hitting the 60's is no picnic. I just started my serious weight loss journey (again) a little over a month ago and am finally seeing small progress. You can do it too!

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Welcome to our newbies!! I know in the 60's group there is more than one newbie that I have not welcomed!

    About the CPAP Ladies there is a now a mask that is for women. Have you tried it? I have it and I never take it off at nights. I always put it right back on when I get up in the middle of the night for my jaunt down the hall :huh: I actually do not want to be without it.

    Charlie you amaze me. As active and energetic as you are on only 3-5 hours sleep?? Could I please have a clone of your energy level???

    Again welcome, this is a fantastic group!!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I hate the cpap because I can only sleep on my stomach. The hose gets in the way and every time I turn my head, I wake up! I even got one of those cpap pillows, but it doesn't help (although I love the pillow for regular sleeping). I've tried every kind of mask there is. If they could figure out how to do it without that hose, I might be happy!

    Reba, I just go! I really hate to sleep. I figure someday I'm going to go for a really, really looooonnnnngggg sleep and I'll catch up then! :ohwell:
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Just to add a bit to this about the CPAP - I had never heard of this and wondered what you were talking about.

    Well OH has been back and forth to the hospital recently re sleep apnea and he came home yesterday with a large case - guess what??

    Anyway he used it last night and amazingly had it on all night, seemingly not moving, and sleeping soundly. He will probably moan this morning that his arm or shoulder is aching from being in the same position all night though :yawn:
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Good Morning Lulu

    Welcome to this group, you ca do this i too cloud hardly walk very far when i started,mine has been a slow journey and you ahev to come to accept that or you will struggle as in weight going up and down as you ahev said. i now walk a lot.

    you need some supportive friends on here, not must the ones that click the like button but actually comment on your effort each day, you need to record all that you eat and drink and open your diary for friends to view so your MFP Friends actually can comment on unhealthy food choices.

    Please feel free to add me but please read my profile

    all the very best on your journey

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Welshlady! I am so glad he likes it. When you like it, you love it. Right, Reba! It will help! In my experience, it seems about 50/50. Like/Hate! If he uses it, the more he does, the more likely he will like it because it does finally give you a good night's sleep! You will like it too because -- no more snoring! :laugh: I really wish I could. I have had 3 different ones and every kind of mask there is. I just don't like it. Also, part of it is psychological I think. I feel like I'm tied up and vulnerable. I live alone and I don't like that feeling of vulnerability. In my experience, men seem to do better with it, too.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Welcome to the group!! You will find lot's of support. Just hang in there and it will work for you!
  • Lyndal816
    Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member

    My name is Lyndal and I live in Arizona. I am a lifetime dieter...heavy sigh. I am 61 years old, have type 2 diabetes, and need to lose 100 pounds. I been on and off (mostly off) with My Fitness Pal and have never really reached out to join a group. I want to be healthy and I want to finally master my weight.

    I just had surgery on my foot and ankle -- in fact, I am now the proud owner of about 17 different pieces of hardware in my foot and ankle. I am happy to say that eight weeks ago I had to get on the scale just before I went under the knife...and today I weigh 15 pounds less than I did then. Because of that unexpected, but very happy news, I opted to start My Fitness Pal today. :happy:

    I need friends. I want to have this be THE last time I start a diet. I want to live healthy. Let's do this together.
  • hayleyandpaigesgrandma
    Welcome to our group. We all strggle with the weight loss journey. I too have a cpap machine but I sleep on my side. I had a lot of problems with the mask at first. Eventually we found the mirage and that works for me. My hubby uses one that is just pillow things that go in the nose. My suggestion is to hang in there and try different masks until you find one for you. The machine really does help. Good luck with it.

    I am sure you will find a lot of support here. I know everyone has been extremely helpful for me.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Hi, Lyndal. Glad you can join us. We are a friendly group and we support each other.

    Wow, you are starting off with a good loss, but for the wrong reasons. It is tough about your ankle/foot. You probably would have weighed even less, but all that hardware probably adds some weight, too! :laugh:

    We got members of this group that range from needing to lose a lot to being on maintenance. We who must lose rely on those who have succeeded to give us advice and we all rely on each other to keep us on track. I'm glad you joined a group as I am convinced this group and my MPF friends are essential to my success. I need to be held accountable.

    Are you going through PT with you ankle/foot?

    Welcome, again.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Hello Lynda,

    This is my 3rd time with MFP. In between I used WW but was never too successful with that. I am bound and determined to get the weight off this time however it is going a bit slow for me, at least it's going!!

    You will be successful here there is lot's of support here!!! :drinker: