
letsdothis84 Posts: 77 Member
So i am focusing on eating clean and lifting/strength training rather than cardio just now and used the haybales spreadsheet to work out my calories, the first tab came out at 1339 or something which feels so low as i would normally eat more than that and this is close to my BMR, Then i looked on tab further along which lets you choose to eat calories back and it was coming out about 1449 net, so does this mean if i exercise i need to always make sure this is the amount im eating? Sometimes i struggle to eat my exercise back but i dont really understand the whole exercise thing as if i don't eat some of them once they are added to my daily calories i can only eat like 1100 or something

Stats- 126 lbs
Exercise- 4 times a week for 60-80 minutes

Any guidance would be appreciated



  • hello - try entering your details here:

    will give you another idea on figures - without age/height I cannot give you any better indication of if those figures are good or bad BUT please remember that industry guidelines is 2000 cals for an average women - so I think its too low - but like I say without age/height I cannot tell you any more