IP Phase 4 vs. IIFYM

QueenOSpades Posts: 171 Member
I've been on Phase 4 now for about two months and I've been having a hard time (cheats here and there). The first two weeks are a challenge for your motivation and self restraint.

What is starting to weigh me down though is the ideal behind Phase 4. Fat at a certain time of day, carbs at a certain time of day, etc. Essentially my coach is telling me to not watch my calories but my portion control. I get the less stressful part of that but I'm slowly starting to see the scale pile up half a pound a week...

My question to all you IP Phase 4 out there: how have your results been with the IP Phase 4? Have you stuck to the IP Phase 4 philosophy or have you gone more for a IIFYM (If it fits your macros) approach? How succesful have you been? Has anyone out there intergrated more physical activities to their routines? How has that changed your nutrition routine?


  • stritsch
    stritsch Posts: 1
    I started on phase 4 2 months ago and I am having the same problem. In fact I gained 6 pounds in 2 months so I am back to phase 1...:(
  • GuyIncognito123
    GuyIncognito123 Posts: 263 Member
    I never made it to phase 4, I tried phase 2 for about a week then quit the program completely. I found I gained back 5+ pounds while eating at a calorie deficit. When I researched it, it turned out when you come off a low carb diet you put on some water weight and some weight as your body replaces lost glycogens. I don't understand the science behind it (and won't pretend to).

    The reason I mention this, is if Phase 4 still has you eating at a deficit and you're gaining weight - this could be why.
  • QueenOSpades
    QueenOSpades Posts: 171 Member
    I've been keen on tracking my calorie intake in the past few weeks. Yes I have had cheats and cheat days but on regular days I sit between 1500-1800 cals/day on average. That should be maintenance mode.

    I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that we must couple certain foods during certain times of the day. (I know that quantity also plays a big role). I can't see myself restricting myself to that degree for the rest of my life. Everytime I think of adding a few pieces of fruits to a salad that has cheese or avocado I cringe and tell myself:" Oh, that's reserved for cheat day".
  • GuyIncognito123
    GuyIncognito123 Posts: 263 Member
    Since you wouldn't be in ketosis anymore - why not take a few weeks and just try to eat to your macros?
    The program will still be there afterwards if you wish to go back to it.
  • ljlantgen
    ljlantgen Posts: 48 Member
    I had a hard time with the certain things at certain times too. And to be honest with you and myself I ignore that. I eat the same breakfast I did with phase three. Have cut back my portions from my pre-diet days and avoid foods I know are unhealthy. I also ramped up my exercise by using my FitBit. I stay within a certain range which is my goal minus 5 pounds. 135-140. On weekends I don't track my food (gasp!) but I am conscious of what I am eating and make healthier choices. I started phase 4 in May and so far have done fine. I still go in to weigh ins once a month to as I told my coach "Keep myself honest". I have found if I am held accountable, to me that means stepping on a scale in front of someone, I will do better. I am not stressed about what I eat and am healthier than before and still at goal.
  • smileypeaches
    smileypeaches Posts: 31 Member
    You will gain back some weight in phase 4. It is usually water weight coming back. I am only on phase 1 still but I have been told and prepared for the fact that my body may/will put on probably 10 lbs once I get off the diet so I am already calculating this in to my goal weight. If you are that worried talk to you coach.
  • sdkyne
    sdkyne Posts: 77 Member
    You do gain weight back in phase 4 if you follow protocol, but you should not gain inches.

    I went into phase 4 last Fall and started doing 30 day shred plus getting in 10k steps a day. I abandoned phase 4 and just ate what I wanted but kept it at an average of 1500 calories a day. I actually lost a few pounds doing this. Maintained that regime and my weight till Spring, when I got sick and injured back to back. Stopped exercise all together, gained weight. Then a bunch of stressful stuff happened, and I ate/drank in response, stopped recording here on MFP, I am guessing 2000 to 3000 calories a day. Gained a LOT more weight, about 12 pounds.

    And here I am back in Phase 1. I'm looking forward to the 30 day shred again and other JM workouts once I stop IP. I don't plan on sticking to phase 4. But I do plan on recording faithfully on MFP to keep daily tabs on my eating and exercise. And most importantly, my weight!