2014 Goals - Third Quarter and beyond

Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
New thread for Q3 goals - continuation of the Q1 one that can be found here:


and the Q2 one here:


I am going to post mine when I get a few minutes - I need sort of relook at my goals as I have had to pull out of Nationals that I was supposed to lift at this coming Saturday. Long term goals have not changed, but the timing has.


  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    1. Make sure I'm drinking enough water
    2. Pay attention to my body - don't push it too hard too fast and cause an injury (been guilty of this one before)
    3. I'm only new to lifting, so follow the plan I'm on to the 'T'
    4. Enter Maxine's Challenge (http://www.maxineschallenge.com.au/2014/maxines/) and smash it
    5. Start seeing some muscle definition, I'd particularly like it to be my abs, but I'm happy with anything at this point (did I mention I'm new to lifting?)
  • sparklefrogz
    sparklefrogz Posts: 281 Member
    I'm stretching Q3 to end on my birthday in mid-October. It's also a milestone birthday, and I really just want to make getting in shape my gift to myself this year.

    1. Get down to 21.5% BF. (Was at 24.5% at end of June.)
    2. Walk to Bree. (Doing the Eowyn Challenge/Walk to Rivendell, currently at mile 22 out of 122.)
    3. Be on cycle 2 of Body By You...and get past those side lunges I hate. (Currently on week 6 of cycle 1, and progressing exercises juuuust barely once a week, so I should be able to get to cycle 2 soon. The lunges, on the other hand, will be the death of me...)
  • lovekohl
    lovekohl Posts: 111 Member
    1. Run a 10k
    2. Get down below 30% body fat
    3. Continue lifting 3 times a week (with or without my trainer)
    4. Continue logging my intake as much as possible
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    1. Reach current weight loss target (120 lbs)
    2. Keep walking 1 hr every day
    3. Join the Y when I reach my target weight
    4. Improve the strength in the muscles supporting my knees (a bit vague that one, I need to be more specific, but it's in readiness for surgery to clean up a torn meniscus in early October)
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    1. Strength: Complete a full dragon flag (or two by 2015).
    2. Flexibility: Flat splits on both sides. Chest to floor in straddle.
    3. Diet: Reduce drinking(<10/week). I'm a social drinker. Way too social lately. :drinker: Also, would like to start a slow bulk over winter.
    4. Training: No specific aerial goals, but would like to pick up one Lyra class/week again, pole 2x/week (including one class), and silks at least 2x/week (including one class). Maybe one silks/corde lisse private a couple times/month. Weights: continue 3-4x/week. Aim for one yoga class/week

    Overall, physically, I'd like to build a better butt and see a full 4-pack. But those seem too generic.

    Happy training everyone!

    Edit: oops, mine are more Q3/4 goals.