Will I see the results I want?

Hello all!! I am on day 3 of the Induction and I am just wondering if you guys think its possible for me to lose 10 pounds in a month on Atkins. I am 5'7'' 162lbs.


  • memelizzy
    memelizzy Posts: 101 Member
    Ummmmm, not sure. You're pretty close to your goal weight and I think that makes it harder to get a big lose. I suppose it could be possible if you work out really hard as well or if the weight loss was mostly water, but everyone is different. One thing I am sure of is you can lose the 10 lbs, but it may take 2 months.
  • NattieRose80
    NattieRose80 Posts: 32 Member
    I lost 6lbs in June however I am a good 40lbs from my goal weight, plus I slacked a few days. I think if you were really dedicated that it could be possible for sure.
  • VaporHero2
    VaporHero2 Posts: 24
    It is possible, yes. Im 3 months into induction and have lost 48lbs. I lost 20 my first two weeks (some of that was water, but still..) Here are a few "suggestions" as they worked for me. Use them as you see fit.

    1. Dont cheat

    This is probably the most important thing I can stress. Cheating and sneaking sugar and carbs will only slow you down. I stalled for 5 days just from drinking one slurpee.

    2. Eat moderate portions

    Try to eat light every few days. And keep normal portions a moderate size. My coach told me I could atuff my face since the foods were low carb. This is wrong. You still have to eat smart.

    3. Exercise

    Move your body. I dont care how. Im a big boy amd I cant run that great, so I just walk fast. When I stopped walking, I noticed I stopped losing as fast. So walk walk walk.

    But #1 is the biggest one I'm stressing. Others may disagree. But what I just told you is how I lost 48lbs in 3 months. So yes, it is very possible.

    Hope this helps.