Empty Feeling

adesantis296 Posts: 6 Member
Ok, So I am 1 week VSG post op and everything I put in my mouth is a new experience.

I am still on a liquid only diet but I am having all types of issues with getting the protein shakes down. This morning it took me 90 mins!

Also I always seem to have this hollow feeling in the middle of my chest. Is this my body telling me that my stomach is full? its achy and sometimes painful!

Any clarification is much appreciated!


  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I too experienced that "empty" feeling, but it was lower, where my stomach used to be. It reminded me of what I felt like right after giving birth, that big empty where the baby used to be. What you are describing sounds to me like you could be experiencing trapped air? When I have air it's more of a pressure in the chest area. As for the shakes, I too had issues with them at first. Too thick and too sweet for me. I used a protein infused chicken or beef broth I got from my doctor's office. I know Unjury sells one. I also had an unflavored protein powder, 10 grams per scoop and I added that to anything I drank to up the protein. Really doesn't change the flavor, maybe the consistency a little, but well worth it. One more tip, GNC carries a product called Isopure Zero which is flavored water with 40+ grams of protein per bottle. This counts as water and protein, so two for the price of one!

    Good luck. Remember, it gets easier as you go and heal.

  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    I had a similar feeling post-op. It was hard to tell at first, whether that was my cue that I'd had enough, or whether I had just swallowed a lot of air with my food. I have had to work on mindfully swallowing to make sure I'm not gulping down air when I eat and drink. The good new is that I stopped having that sensation 2 weeks or so post op.

    When you have that sensation, I would take a break from drinking for a bit, then try again in a few minutes. See how you feel.
  • mpweathe
    mpweathe Posts: 12 Member
    I'm not sure if the problem you are having with the protein is taste or just the volume, but if its taste I recommend trying About Time Protein powder. The flavor is very mild and I find it much easier to drink. You can order samples from thier web site and try the differnt flavors before committing to a large purchase.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    I had RNY and had that hollow feeling too right after surgery. I think it is probably gas. Gas-X has some dissolvable strips that are great for right after surgery.