Adding good foods to our diets

Cara8359 Posts: 15 Member
Okay, familia - I have been reading a lot about adding fiber to our diets which helps with weight loss, as well as adding fermented foods, which also aids in digestion and weight loss. Due to my having been on so many antibiotics and steroids over the last five YEARS (I'm on day 30 of more antibiotics, and added another medrol dose pack of steroids on Tuesday - YUCK!), so I've been taking the fiber and adding a pro-biotic so that the good stuff stays in my tummy. What I've read about the fiber pills is to basically take one or two of those along with a large glass of water when feeling hungry first, then, if still hungry after 15 or 20 minutes, having something like an apple with a bit of peanut butter.

I do know that breads and grains are not really good, due to being so genetically modified, but what are some of the things all of you have been reading? Share!


  • tlkepley
    I've read, "Basically, if it's good - don't eat it". I concur.