Considering Giving Up Nrol4 W.

Hello there!

I am new here, and I am not really sure how these discussion boards work so I'll just post here.

I started doing this program, completed Stages 1 & 2 with alterations and not much cardio, but now looking at Stage 3 (actually did WA yesterday) I am not sure if I should continue or switch to something else like SS 5x5.

I am mostly trying to be stronger, as I have no problems with my current appearance and weight, and I think first two stages did help me for that. I also gained about 1 or 2 kilos, which was not a problem, but could become one if it continues.
The problem I am having is, time and variation. I realised I have a tendency to switch Workout A and B's first workouts with basics like deadlifts and squats, simply because they seemed too much work/too complicated/not too challenging. Moreover, I work out at home (=limited equipment) and don't have a trainer to check on my posture.
Furthermore, it takes so long that I don't even have time to do the intervals at the end.

The question here is, since this variation might be helping with targeting all kinds of muscles and therefore maybe prevents too much bulking (I don't really want to use this word but eh, here goes), would a program like 5x5 cause me to put on too much visible muscle since there isn't much variation and targeted muscles are same for a long time?
The thing about 5x5 is that it looks much more simpler but more pushing for heavier weights. I like that but what I ask above kind of makes me stop and think.
Nrol4 W is challenging in posture and variation, while 5x5 seems more easy on that area. I feel like the latter is not as practical in daily life as the former.
Also, would 5x5 cause a plateau due to the lack of variation?

Also, I am already squeezing in some Vinyasa/Power/Hatha yoga to my program, so in this case, would skipping core and shoulder exercises in lifting be wise? (I already have the shoulders of a swimmer) I don't want to have more abs and more shoulders.

I am 5'4 -163 cm and around 120/121 pounds -55 kg. For the strength level: 20 push ups in one go.


  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Any proven heavy lifting program will give you good results if you want to increase strength and maintain your muscle. Find one that works for your time schedule and one that you will like doing. Strong Curves, NROL Supercharged, All Pro, and the workouts on are all worth looking into. Most of them are similar and include Squats and DLs. Some focus more on lower body shaping(Strong Curves), others place emphasis on pure strength (All Pro), and some are just a balanced lifting program(Supercharged). Watch form videos for squats and DLs.
    Really it just comes down to doing some research and figuring out what you need in a lifting program. Good luck!
  • abaays
    abaays Posts: 3
    Thank you for taking your time and answering my question.
    I did some research on 5x5 last night and I am convinced it is the simplest way to get stronger.
    That being said, I think I'll have a look at Strong Curves as well. I guess you are right, it all comes down to research and trying and seeing if whatever I find works for me.

    However, the amount of overhead presses makes me want to repeat the question at the end of my first post -would it be wise to skip work outs that directly target shoulders? Would that cause imbalance?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Honestly, I don't know. I think that since your main concern is strength, assuming you're not eating above maintenance (bulking), then you probably won't see much if any *added* bulk to your shoulders, but they may get stronger. Stronger is a good thing- you need strong shoulders for pretty much every other exercises (squats, DLs, pull-downs, etc).
    I think it would beneficial to continue the program (whichever one you decide) as written and back off the shoulder work only if you really think you're getting too bulky. Don't forget to take actual progress pics to compare- sometimes we perceive things that aren't really there :)
    Good luck!
  • abaays
    abaays Posts: 3
    I think I will do that, and actually add more back and lower body exercises as well.

    Thank you again for re-assuring me, have a nice day!