10-14 BF cut or bulk?


I am currently 178 lbs, I plan to get to 155 before going on a bulk. Is this a good plan? I calculated that im probably anywhere from 20-25% BF right now, and I think it would be ideal for me to be @ 10-14 before a nice bulk.

I am 5'9 and I currently do minimal strength training.



  • mdizzle99
    mdizzle99 Posts: 169 Member
    I like your plan to get in that range before bulking but there are certainly some people that would disagree. I would increase your strength training immediately, though. Lifting now will quicken the process to your overall goals by helping you preserve the muscle you already have. The primary goal of bulking is to gain muscle with as little fat gain as possible, where the goal of cutting is to lose fat with losing as little muscle as possible. Lifting, after nutrition, is the key to doing both more efficiently.
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    I like your plan to get in that range before bulking but there are certainly some people that would disagree. I would increase your strength training immediately, though. Lifting now will quicken the process to your overall goals by helping you preserve the muscle you already have. The primary goal of bulking is to gain muscle with as little fat gain as possible, where the goal of cutting is to lose fat with losing as little muscle as possible. Lifting, after nutrition, is the key to doing both more efficiently.

    ^^Agree. OP the reason you don't want to bulk till you hit this range has to do something called P ratio. http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/muscle-gain/calorie-partitioning-part-1.html
    In essence, your body will be at a better propensity for adding muscle than fat at those lower bodyfat %s than if you were at the higher bodyfat level, in which your body would have greater propensity to add fat than muscle.

    But as the other poster mentioned, regardless, start strength training immediately to keep existing muscle while you continue to cut. Don't wait.
  • charlieibeling
    charlieibeling Posts: 93 Member
    wow, actually some good advice on this thread! I strongly recommend getting lean before adding weight(i now hate the term bulking). Above poster is correct about better changes in body composition with lower body fat due to insulin sensitivity. It's also easier to tell when youve gained fat as you stary losing definition. if youre already over 12% or so its harder to see fat gain. My advice from bad experience is SLOWLY add calories in when youve got to your goal bodyfat. and go by bodyfat instead of weight or ab definition which is what i use(and lower back)
  • Look at Ellington Darden's Bodyfat breakthrough and Little and McDougall's Body by Sciene
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    I never knew why people are willing to lose muscle to get to a % leaness before adding muscle again.

    If it was easier to put on muscle while very lean vs being over let's say 15% bodyfat, most of the professional bodybuilders wouldn't be going on bulk/cut cycles like they do.