Getting Back to Normal

Hey everyone,

I'm at 5 weeks postpartum today and I'm beginning to think about what I'm going to do when I get approved to resume regular activities at 6 weeks. I'm looking for suggestions on how to get back to regular activities. Obviously I'm not going to bust out a Jillian Michaels dvd or run 5km instantly at the 6 week mark. Are there any tips on how to ease myself back into exercise?

And any suggestions for a sports bra for a nursing mother who is busting out of an "E" with a 36" band?

Also, and this is more awkward, how to ease myself back into intercourse? I'm only the second of my friends to have had a baby and the first friend says that it was awful.... I don't want to have that mindset if I don't have to.

Don't know if this information will help, but I had a regular vaginal delivery with an episiotomy. Everything was looking good at my last appointment and the bleeding stopped about 1 1/2 weeks ago. Hemorrhoids are clearing up as well.


  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member

    Exercise - I had a vaginal delivery, bad 2nd tear that started high up inside, and an episiotomy on the outer area to go with it. I busted out my 30 Day Shred dvd after my 6 week check up and it was WAY too much for me. I needed about 3-4 days of rest just to recover from level 1! After that I eased back into things by walking, and doing light upper body weights at home (like 5lbs kind of light - any type of straining at all and I could feel pulling in my pelvic area). I eased back into the gym around 8 weeks (starting slowly on the eliptical, light upper body weights, and VERY light lower body weights because of the pulling at my tear scar). Whatever you do, just start out slow, and listen to your body.

    Sports bra - I love the Lululemon TaTa Tamer. I'm not sure how big my boobs got while I was nursing, but they were pretty outrageous. I found that as long as I nursed my daughter immediately before a workout, I could get them into my old size 36D bra long enough to exercise. I love that bra, I have it in several sizes (due to weight loss/gain/pregnancy) and it's the only one I'll buy. They'd better not discontinue it!

    Sex - Lube, lube, lube!!! And maybe a glass of wine, too! :laugh: We didn't attempt to have sex until 3 months PP (I was afraid of it because of my tear), and I was so nervous about it that it was around 4 months PP that we were finally "successful" because I just couldn't relax. Talk to your husband about it before you actually get into bed. You decide what position, pace, etc, and if you feel the need to stop, then stop. You may find things go very well and there was nothing to worry about, or you may find that nerves/soreness are still there and it's not quite time yet. Same as exercise, listen to your body. Just because the doc says you're all clear at 6 weeks doesn't mean you HAVE to hop back in the sack right away. I think if you ask around you'll find most moms wait a bit longer than that. Your sex life/drive will come back, don't worry! But seriously, LUBE.

    Good luck!
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    Thank you so much! I'll definitely be taking it easy and I'll look up that bra! Thanks!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Just have to say, your picture is so incredibly precious!

    Start slow on exercise and low impact. Listen to your body and stop BEFORE it hurts. If it doesn't feel right, stop.

    Nursing bra - just barely bought mine yesterday and I could not be happier. I am absolutely loving them and I am a large lady up top too. This company makes them all the way to G.... Bravado bras, you can find them online at

    Sorry, I have no advice on sex. Didn't get back into that with my daughter for a very long time as ex husband and I split shortly after her birth.
    I am currently 5.5 weeks pp now and curious myself how this will go.
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    I'd say start with walks or the elliptical for exercise. I have a vaginal delivery and was walking at 3 days pp, elliptical at 3 weeks pp and as soon as I was cleared I started 30DS (day 5 today!)

    I have no advice on the bra as I am a member of the itty bitty titty comitee.

    When having sex for the first time pp, I chose to be on top since I'd have more control over it..
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Nothing new to add re: exercise or sports bras.

    I will say, about sex, that I was afraid after baby #1, so it was about six months before we tried. KY is your friend. After baby #2 it was even longer (about 10 months) because BFing left me with zero sex drive, plus after BFing all day the last thing you want is someone looking at your boobs, let alone touching them. AF returned at 10 months, so after that my hormones were like, "LET'S DO THIS!" A little KY didn't hurt, but my body was ready to go. It's been totally normal since then (14 months postpartum as of today).

    It'll be normal again, I promise. That first time pp I told my husband to go easy, and being on top definitely helped, or you can be on your back but, um, keep your feet on the bed/floor/whatever so that it's gentler. You'll know if/when your body is ready for less gentle sex. Don't force it if you're not ready because it probably won't be very good. If you feel bad for your husband, you can do other things with him besides regular sex.
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    Thanks for all the tips everyone! Re: sex, I'm actually pumped and ready to go... but it's still tender. We did try, but I was a little scared that it would hurt a lot more even if we took is slowly, so we stopped. My husband was really good about it, but I was sort of disappointed. My hormones must have done quite the pendulum swing, that's for sure! lol
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Thanks for all the tips everyone! Re: sex, I'm actually pumped and ready to go... but it's still tender. We did try, but I was a little scared that it would hurt a lot more even if we took is slowly, so we stopped. My husband was really good about it, but I was sort of disappointed. My hormones must have done quite the pendulum swing, that's for sure! lol

    My hormones were all over the place! I had the "urge" to have sex almost right away, but there was NO way it was going to happen before I was healed and mentally prepared for it (and got a new supply of lube). I know what you mean about feeling disappointed about having to stop. It took a few tries before I could relax enough to go through with it.

    100% agree with RBX and usernameMAMA, being on top for the first/first few times is definitely better when it comes to easing back into it.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Nothing new to add just personal experience. After my first birth I had a third degree tear. We didn't attempt sex until 8 weeks postpartum. I don't remember it "working." I do remember the attempt hurting. We kept trying I think once a week. I think 4 months is when it finally didn't hurt and felt good. Go slow, it's ok for it not to work or feel good for a while, don't force anything! After my second I had a second degree tear. I think we tried at 6 weeks and I think it stopped hurting closer to 2 months. THis time around, only 2nd degree tear again (UGH! I hate tearing and being stitched!). Attempted at 6 weeks and was successful. Only hurt a little. 2 months out only hurts a tiny bit. Not enough to deter me. The drive sure isn't there. My boobs are used all day, and even if they're not what's bothering me I get "touched out." 2 toddlers and an infant that wants to be carried constantly I don't need another person touching me. Glass of wine helps.

    Exercise I've started 30 day shred. (she turned 2 months a week ago, I'm on day 6 of it). Nothing down there hurts. I'm out of shape. Everything's fine, EXCEPT turns out if I don't pee before I start working out (or sometimes even if I do) jumping jacks make me pee a little :( Annoying, but nothing worth writing home about. Nothing worth talking to a doctor about, just wearing a panty liner.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    "Touched out" is the perfect term for it! If I do happen to get an hour to spare, I just want to spend it by myself! I'm never alone anymore.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    "Touched out" is the perfect term for it! If I do happen to get an hour to spare, I just want to spend it by myself! I'm never alone anymore.

    I stole it from my Lactation Consultant! She had 3 boys and knew what she was talking about!

    I hear you on never alone anymore. We moved when my first was 4 months old into a new house. At 8 months pregnant with the next child (when my son was 17 months old) I made my husband take him out somewhere alone because I realized I had never been in this new house alone! Now I'm just happy to be in a bath sometime alone. With a new infant I have been making time for 30 day shred lately. At first I was like there's no way I can commit to 30 minutes of working out a day, then I realized I really should be able to have 30 minutes of day time to myself to do something to make me healthier. Been a weird change. (personally I'd rather use that 30 minutes for a bubble bath with a bowl of ice cream, but I guess that can come when I"m at goal weight and baby is older and more easily entertained).