Atkins after Pregnancy: Breastfeeding/ when to start

sunflower92630 Posts: 76 Member
I am currently 6 months pregnant but of course already thnking about how to get the pounds off after baby.
NO i am NOT on atkins while I am pregnant!
I was on atkins prior to being pregnant with ketogenic diet but went off of it when trying to get pregnant and BAM found myself preggers!

My questions is can I do Atkins while breastfeeding ( i can not seem to find any scientific literature on ketones and affects on baby while breastfeeding/ just a lot of opinions)
Second does this affect breastfeeding supply?

If anyone went back on Atkins after pregnancy how long did you wait to start.
Also anyone do atkins while breastfeeding?


  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    i don't know if this helps, but after i had my twins i tried to go back onto a ketogenic diet. the problem was i went back on WHILE i was breastfeeding. both kids noticed the change and refused to feed until i ate carbs again and the ketones worked themselves out of my system.

    the problem may have been the change in taste, it may have been that ketones and breastmilk don't work well together, i don't know. but after that, i waited until they were fully weaned before attempting to go back onto low-carbing.
  • sparacka
    sparacka Posts: 137 Member
    Talk with your pediatrician & do more research before you commit to anything. This is your first? I was astounded by just how ravenously hungry I was right after my son was born. I simply could not stop eating. But my priority was to nurse him and ensure that I had a good supply of milk; at that point losing weight was the last thing on my mind. FWIW:

    You could also consult a lactation specialist or seek out your local LLL group to get some advice from a leader. The thing is, every baby is different & some will have strong reactions to their mothers' diets. You just have to play things by ear. Lots of luck to you!
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I didn't low carb while BFing for the brief time I did it, but there was so much other crap going on that it was the least of my concerns. I wasn't really watching calories and I still lost weight while BFing. Others I know hold on to much of the weight until they wean.

    It doesn't hurt to try, but be prepared to make adjustments like a pp said. If you have no issues with supply, you might not have a problem losing while restricting calories whatever method you use to doso. But even if you don't have supply issues, your baby might have difficulty latching, acid reflux, sensitivity to certain foods you eat that might make them gassy that you will have to make changes to have it work for them. You might want to talk to your doctor now but there are several things that could prevent you from doing low carb. I know it sucks to hear it, but everybody is different. I know women that have oversupply and then women like me that are thrilled to get an ounce from one pumping session. Good luck!