Friends anyone?

Hi Guys,
I am new to this particular group. I use MFP daily on my phone and it seems to help me get back on track after gaining almost 1/2 my weight back after my gastic bypass, undergoing chronic depression since last October when Iost my job and dealing with horrific PTSD after 20 years of a physical/emotionally abusive marriage. I am a strong woman and always had to be and never did I truly deal with my end of things. Now I am. I meditate, take herbs, going as holistic as possible, tai chi, yoga etc. I still need encouragement, tips, advice and a swift kick in the *kitten* if need be :) I take criticism well no worries

Hope some of you will request me so I can get used to how this whole thing works :)

Love and Light


  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi from your DC neighbor. I have a love/hate relationship with food so to counter act eating, I work out. A lot. :) I'm fairly active on these board and you're welcome to FR me. Good luck with your weight loss journey.
  • clevenduncan
    Greetings from the Twin Cities. I'm fairly new to MFP and a new member of this board. Your message struck a chord with me and I felt compelled to reply. I too am going through similar circumstances...R-n-Y GBS (2004), PreOp - 485lbs, Lowest - 221lbs, Current - 320lbs. Felt happiest at my lowest weight. Now I struggle to accept the fact GBS was not the magic bullet I convinced myself it was. I'd be happy to exchange encouraging words of support with you.