Week 3 (July 21st)

sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
Should've started this yesterday and I am sorry. First day back from a 2 week staycation and it was hectic yesterday at work. :D

Here's your food for thought for today... The majority of your results are going to come from your nutrition. Simple way of remembering what you should and shouldn’t eat is, if it has a commercial, skip it. Or another way is if the name is the same in non-english speaking countries, skip it. For example, Big Mac is the same in every country you go to. However, apple is totally different. Puis-je avoir une pomme? (That’s “may I have an apple?” in French. Simple enough right?!

What do you think?


  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    God advice on the nutrition

    Core✔️ and I can still feel my glutes from yesterday
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Right? I was glad that I was too busy at work to sit. Took too long to get up when I did. lol

    Let’s talk “trigger foods”. Trigger foods are meals or specific foods that you can’t have JUST ONE. For example… if you know that you can’t have just one slice of pizza without having 2, 3, 4 more… it’s best you stay away from it all together.

    For me, my trigger foods is a beverage. Coca-cola. I can't have one. Even though, I say I can but I can't. What are your trigger foods?
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Hi all! How is everyone doing? What do you have on the menu for today? I'm still trying to figure that out. I just know my breakfast. I had my shakeo with coffee so it was like mocha chocolate. First time trying it and it was good!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Have my protein smoothie for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, spaghetti for dinner and then ice cream and cupcakes for my daughters birthday ate at maintance today. Didn't get piyo in but went for a nice walk after cupcakes
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Nice codycsweet! Happy for you that you are on maintenance! Walking is still a good form of exercise.
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Last day of Week 3! I think it's time to refocus on your goals and why you started this journey! Dig down deep and realize this journey is more than just making the number on the scale go down. It is about gaining self confidence, feeling sexy in your skin, or maybe its proving to yourself that you will stick and finish something you started. No matter what never give up.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Yes week 4 is all about refocusing on nutrition and the workout schedule. Today's meals were much better and this is what I'm really going to work on this week.
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    Yeah! Sometimes you have to look at past meals and hit a reset button.