Exercise Struggle

VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
I really enjoy exercise! I love the challenge and it really gives me a boost mentally and physically.

My problem is that I find it exhausting! Not sure if this is hypothyroidism, hashimotos, adrenal fatigue or just plain out of shape? Last year I was told to back off on exercise until we improved my adrenals and stabilized my thyroid a bit. I stuck with walking and didn't mind at all, thought it was just a temporary situation.
Earlier this year I completed the c25k program, very much enjoyed it and did a 5k in early June. While training on my run days I was not able to go to the gym at all even with a several hour gap for recovery. Even on my non run days if I pushed too hard at the gym I was not able to complete my run segment the following day. Obvisiously it took me longer to complete the program and I was ok with at least making progress!
Once I completed my 5k I switched to cycling because I had a couple charity rides that I had signed up for. After riding for a couple weeks I tried to go for a run and really struggled! I was really disappointed. I started to try to incorporate both and just could not do it!! This past weekend I went riding 3 days in a row which I don't usually do. For 2 days I was completely fatigued, had a hard time just getting thru the day in general with not exercise.

Why is this such a struggle?? Anyone else experience this?


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I really enjoy exercise! I love the challenge and it really gives me a boost mentally and physically.

    My problem is that I find it exhausting! Not sure if this is hypothyroidism, hashimotos, adrenal fatigue or just plain out of shape.
    The answer is E: all of the above. I have Hashi's, and Synthroid & Cytomel reduce my fatigue—but they don't eliminate it. (Yet. 2 years post-diagnosis my levels have finally reached the "normal" range, so I'm hoping I'll start feeling less tired sooner or later.)

    Listen to your body, and take rest days when needed. Do not overdo it.
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    It is probably a conglomeration!

    I do try to regulate however it is not until after the exercise is complete until I realize it was too much. Once I realize I try to take it easy. Often times though I have no choice and just struggle to get through the day.

    Not quite sure how to improve my fitness without pushing things a bit?? Also read quite a bit about building some muscle mass to help with weightloss when dealing with hypothyroid. Even when I do a hard weight workout it the gym, lifting to fatigue I am worthless the next day!
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    I have actually read articles about how people with Hashi's/Hypo have a harder time exercising due to level of exercise intolerance. I can't remember exactly what it was but anything that was long endurance required a much longer recovery time for us than something like HIIT training. i'm still studying though. I just don't want to be held back by all of this. It's so frustrating though. LIke the past two weeks I could barely get of bed let alone work out and if I try to over restrict my calories to make up for it I binge. So frustrating but one day we will overcome it, right?
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    I'm really hoping to overcomes this , it is definitely a struggle. It is tough to know when to push through and when to slack off. Then on top of it the constant struggle of is this related to my diet over the past few days or not enough sleep, do my meds need adjusting. So individual for each person!!
    Going for a walk in the morning, going to start there for my week and see how that goes!