Hey Lard *kitten* that I love!

I got in my 10,398 Steps today, (5.10 miles to the lame). I didn't do great on logging any calories, but I think I did OK....just OK. I swam tonight to get my last 2,000 steps in. I for sure need to drink more water! How did all my girlfriends do?


  • I gotta build me one of those cement ponds so I can exercise like you. lol
  • Cara8359
    Cara8359 Posts: 15 Member
    Okay, girlies - it's time to get our a$$e$ back in gear and get moving! Who's with me? TK and I are low-carbing it, and now we've got to add motivation and exercise. C'mon, ladies - let's see a whole lot less of each other the next time we see each other - which I hope is SOON!
  • Cara8359
    Cara8359 Posts: 15 Member
    HAHA! It changed A$$e$ to *kitten*... too funny!
  • Cara8359
    Cara8359 Posts: 15 Member
    Nope, make that A $ $ E $... ARGH!