Welcome! Introduce Yourself

annayareyone Posts: 38 Member
This MFP group was started to unite, support and encourage African-American women near Phoenix, AZ to make healthy lifestyle changes. What are your fitness and eating goals? Need an accountability partner? Let's see if we could join efforts to successfully reach our goals.

Feel free to join the Black Girls Run! main group and Phoenix group on Facebook and Twitter.






  • annayareyone
    annayareyone Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I started BGR! Phoenix in May 2011 but didn't attend a run meetup until Sept 2013 :ohwell: . I'm originally from Georgia and after moving to Phoenix I gained a lot of weight and became the heaviest I had ever been. After going on a vacation in July of 2013 and seeing the pictures of myself I decided to recommit to getting healthy. I say recommit because as a former college basketball athlete I never had problems working out or going to the gym. It was the eating part that I never managed or controlled. So I decided that this time it was about getting healthy, getting my body back and living a healthy life. I joined MFP in Aug 2013 as a way to track my eating habits. The first month was tough for me because I didn't realize how many calories I was consuming on a daily basis. This was a huge eye opener for me. During this first month I also realized that I had an unhealthy relationship with food. Food was like a friend that listened to me when I was upset or tired and never judged or criticized. So I decided to renew my mind and better manage my emotions.

    Currently my fitness goals are to get back into the kind of shape I was while playing basketball in college and to see my abs. During college I was around 160lbs and could run a mile in 7 1/2 mins. Although I was in good shape I could never see my abs. I'm learning that was because of my poor eating habits and my eating habits have never been the best. So my eating goals are to eat clean and be consistent. While I'm not stressing, over analyzing and counting every calorie; I'm looking to change the way I view food. I want to enjoy life and the people in my life, while not being the picky eater no one wants to be around lol.

    I'm looking for accountability with staying consistent to eating clean/healthy & encouragement when needed.