Fell off the wagon yesterday

mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
I have been on the keto WOE for just over a week and I've noticed some great changes...I was constantly hungry before...I was eating lots of fruits and vegetables and oats and a healthy dinner. I would avoid rice, potatoes and bread. I run and play netball-active about 4-5 times per week. I was wondering why I wasn't losing any weight. I don't have a lot to lose but I was seeing no results. So far, on the keto WOE i am no longer hungry...I am not waking up to the thought of food and going to sleep with the thought of food. I am not craving or binging. Before I would try so hard to avoid 'bad' food that I would end up consuming 1000s of extra calories trying to satisfy the craving and then i would cave and end up eating a loaf of bread and more. I am really happy since beginning keto. But yesterday after going to the pub for a couple of after work drinks (which I don't normally do but I didn't want to be the one who always says 'no')..I came home and ended up going and getting asian takeaways. I kept to egg, stirfry and chicken but I know all the sauces would have been filled with carbs. I know why it happened. When I don't have a plan for dinner I end up making bad decisions. Normally when I have a bad day i think 'well, i've ruined it all now, so I may as well make it count and eat everything!' But I am not going to let it get me down and I'm starting again today. Any tips to get back on track and not let one bad day ruin everything??


  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Keep Calm and Keto On

    The only thing you can do is go right back to eating right. You can try and burn off the excess carbs with a bunch of heavy lifting or cardio, but I doubt the utility of that. Truth is, I don't think it will do much beyond reducing the time you're out by some number of minutes or hours. Unless you're doing that sort of exercise already, the extra stress on your body to try and compensate for the carbs is probably worse than the effect that amount of carbs will have.
  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks! Will do...
    I have noticed being a big sluggish on my runs since starting keto...not as fast. Maybe that's just my body getting used to the change in how i'm getting energy?? Because I have heard that people PBs have improved on keto? It looks like your a runner. How do you find your energy levels on your runs?
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    First 3-4 weeks are going to suck *kitten*. No lie. You'll feel like your body was never meant to run. I noticed it mainly with my bike rides (I was doing more of them at the time). I went from 12-13 mile rides at 15+ mph... to pooping out after 5-6 miles... and not being able to maintain above 13 mph. I had read enough to know this was a likely short-term thing. I didn't panic. I actually decided to just stop the intense cardio and focused on walking and light cardio. After about 7 weeks, I tried biking again, I was right back at 10+ miles at a 14+ mph rate without pushing it. I quickly got back to where I was before keto. These days, I can do a 14-17 mile ride at 15-18 mph in a fasted state without problems.

    So, short answer, it's temporary. It takes a lot longer to fully keto-adapt than just get into ketosis. It takes several weeks, it can even take a couple months for some people. If you're not looking at set backs, just reduce your pace and accept that your distance might drop as well. Your body is learning to adapt to a new fuel source. Once you get adapted, you shouldn't have too many problems. I don't have them even when fasted. If, after you're fully adapted, you still can't perform at an acceptable level (like 2-3 months and you just can get back to where you were), you may wish to look into TKD (Targeted Ketogenic Dieting ... basically eating excess carbs around your intense workouts). I haven't found the need.

    I do run, but not seriously. Mostly I do Mud-Runs and Obstacle Course Races. Those don't require a ton of steady cardio. Usually you're running distances less than a km, before you have to complete some sort of obstacle, then run another short distance. I find the obstacles (even if you don't have to wait in a line for it, which sucks) provide a bit of a rest that you don't get with normal road races.
  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for the reply-you sound like you've done your research. I'm just taking it slow and not worrying too much about speed and distance-and have taken more days off. Normally run 5-6 days but now running 2-3 just while I adapt and I'm not too stressed about it because I'm not needing to eat as much due to being more satisfied. I will get back into it next week when my body feels more adapted!
  • Taking it easy in first few weeks is very smart thing to do for Keto. It would probably take few weeks or even 2-3 months to get your performance get better. Once your body adjusts to burning fat at higher intensities, you will see real benefits. I have run half marathons after a 20+ hour fasts on Keto, drinking only water and electrolytes during the race. Recovery from the races, workouts have been very fast for me. But, it takes time for your body to adjust because at higher intensities your body still uses carbs. Keep HIIT to once or at most twice a week initially. Higher intensity will force your body to use carbs as fuel.
  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    Hi there! I completely understand falling off the wagon! I did that for a couple of months and gained back everything I lost before that. 12 days ago, my fiancée and I committed ourselves to keto and so far it's been great. I've lost 4lbs, water weight I'm sure but I do look a lot better everywhere. I am just getting back into the swing of exercise so I don't have much advice there. What I do know about is when we don't have something prepared to eat at home, it can be bad.

    I am a big planner and we have an hour drive to & from work. When we get home we are usually hungry, though going keto has definitely satiated our appetite so we can wait a little while after getting home. I still like to have something ready to heat up for us. I'm not sure if you cook a lot but these suggestions are very easy.

    Cook a whole chicken in a crockpot, Seriously, just put a few veggies (stick to the low carb ones if you want but you don't have to eat them after it's cooked, it DOES make excellent gravy, however) in the bottom of crock, put some spices on the thawed chicken, and put it on top. Add some water or chicken broth to the bottom, and let cook on high for 4 hrs, low for 8 hrs, depending on your crock. Mine runs pretty hot so after the 4 hrs on high, the meat is literally falling off the bone. Delicious. You can freeze part of the chicken if you don't think you will eat it all during the week, and you have protein ready for you for a quick meal. Pair it with leafy greens, broccoli, you vegetable of choice with some olive oil, coconut oil, butter, fat of your choice and you have a great meal. It's not super high in fat if you are looking for meat that is, go with legs and thighs, the darker meat has more fat in it. Save the bones to make excellent broth as well!

    You could also cook up a pound of ground beef, pork, turkey, etc., to have waiting for you as well. Again, you may cook this in the crockpot (see a theme here? I live in FL so I do anything to limit the amount of heat we have to deal with!) or on the stove and just put it in the fridge for when you need it. Again, you can freeze some of it if you know you won't be needing it all. Homemade food is good for up to a week in the fridge, it's something I try to follow for the most part.

    I hope this helps and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me!

    The biggest advice I have is don't beat yourself up over your bad choices. It was just a moment in time and it's over now. You can't go back and change it so take control of the choices you have in front of you now. A big part of staying fit is mental, so beat down those negative thoughts with positive ones. You can DO this!!!
  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I am a big cooker so I am usually fine with cooking every night. My husband isn't on keto and eats what he wants so I cook different veges for him for dinner and I eat leafy non-starchy ones with our protein. Its only really a problem on Friday nights when I haven't really thought about a meal for dinner-we are a bit more relaxed on a Friday night. We went out last night with friends and I held out on the alcohol which raised suspicion from all our friends that I was pregnant! (I'm not quite ready to tell them about keto-I feel people can be a bit judgy). Afterwards we went out for dinner-they all had burgers and fries and more beers I was able to find a sausage and cheesy cauliflower and left the garlic bread on the plate. So I felt pretty good about that! Going to try and work back up to my usual exercising. Adapting to keto has been hard with exercise-I run for normally 12-13km 4-5 times per week and play netball once per week. It's been freezing cold and raining here in NZ so it has been a nice excuse while adapting to keto to back away from intense exercise. But I want to get back into it! Might check out the gym today and see if its a good idea to sign up for a month or two while the wild wind, rain and cold is around.

    Feel free to add me if you like, always good to have more friends with the same goals etc.