Hello from an ex-paleo noob

carinebray Posts: 7 Member
Hello! I think I have tried so many things to get my excess weight off except eating more, so why not try!
I am a 36 year old mother of 3- 5''4" and 189. Gained about 20 lbs and went from an 8/10 to a 14/16 over the last year whilst on a paleo/ low carb diet. I was exhausted and cranky and my incessant weight gain made that worse! Then I got injured ( 2 discs bulging and severe plantar fasciitis/ Achilles tendinitis) so couldn't do much of anything so I cut cals to about 1500 a day and would seem to gain weight just looking at food. Then I would have crazy binges and just eat! Everything! This starve/ binge cycle was exhausting!
I just started back xfitting and lifting heavy 4 x per week ( slow and steady- my back squat used to be 185 and now down to 125 so I've lost a lot of strength) and decided that I needed to shift my diet since what I was doing was obviously NOT working. I feel like an alien in my own body! Sluggish. Heavy. Soft.
My TDEE came to 2400 and BMR 1600 and my daily cal goal ( using scooby) is 1900. I still feel hungry sometimes - usually a few hours after dinner. Good during the day. I set my activity level to moderate so may need to up it a bit?
Also having a heck of a hard time getting all that protein in! I obviously need to drink some post workout but I can't get enough in!
Any recommendations?


  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hi and welcome! I think a mother of 3 plus workouts definitely means you are working hard. I think you are cutting too hard from your TDEE - a 15% deficit would give you 2040 calories to eat and while the weight loss might be a bit slower than you'd like, it will save your muscles. Plus, I would look at the amount of protein you are taking in as well and perhaps up that - that was one change that really helped me not get too hungry!
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    For protein - protein shakes, greek yogurt (I mix in some stevia & vanilla extract), cottage cheese (for a lovely treat I add chocolate protein powder which really ups the protein), I also eat a lot of tuna fish for lunch, steaks/chicken/fish for dinner.
  • carinebray
    carinebray Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks so much!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Just wanted to jump in and say I agree with mymodernbabylon. I would stick to a 10%-15% deficit at the most with all that exercise. Being a mom and working out that much you may be burning more than you realize!
    Also, I started at 5'5" and 186lbs and a size 16 with 3 very young kids. Slowly over about 22 months I managed to lose 40lbs and 5 sizes. Track your food carefully, take maintenance breaks when needed and just enjoy eating and lifting!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    One more thing. Coming from the starve/binge cycling, it's probably a good idea to just eat at maintenance for a while- do a reset to find what "maintenance" really is for you and build your strength back up. As frustrating as that might be, it will benefit you in the long run, give your metabolism a chance to even out, and may result in a little muscle gain. Good luck!