Last week! Progress so far?

hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
Hi, all! We are all going into our last week of 21 Day Fix! How is everyone feeling? What's your progress so far?
I promised myself that I wouldn't weigh myself but I lost a good 3 pounds so far and I have also lost a good inch off of my waist. I could have lost a little more weight if I hadn't cheated a bit during the beginning of the week. But I'm definitely going to work it off this coming week.

Anyone going to do the double workouts this week? Or do the 3 Day Fix in the last three days? :)


  • myepsen
    myepsen Posts: 1,794 Member
    GREAT JOB hoyagirl03!!! Keep up the great work!! "1 pound at a time, 1 day at a time!"

    I have not measured myself (I will do that at the end of the program) but I have lost 7lbs so far and I feel great.. I am extremely happy with this program, I have learned about portions and best of all I think my stomach has shrunk so I am not eating as much when I do have those cheat times...whoop whoop!!!
    I too probably could have lost more if I had not cheated on the weekends but realistcally that is my life...I do great Monday - Friday but Saturday evening through Sunday I do not watch what I eat. I am super active during that time so I do burn a lot of extra it is probably close to a wash.

    I am not going to do double worksouts or the the 3-day fix. I don't think I have the strength or will power to be that disciplined. Good luck to anyone who is going to do it...I would love to hear what they think.

    I would be interested in doing another round starting September 2nd if anyone else is.

    Have a great day all!