Important stuff will go here one day.
title should be changed since July 14th has passed
i think it should be updated.
I hope everyond was able to complete 21 Day Fix!
Hi, everyone! I want to thank everyone for joining the group for 21 Day Fix! I hope everyone was able to get the results that they wanted and if not, are ready to give it another go!!!
What happened to everyone??
OK, where did ya all go? Are you still doing the program? I know I am struggling this week so I would love to hear from anyone who has suggestions or support :cry:
Hey folks! We are definitely in the home stretch! How is everyone feeling? :) I feel way stronger after having done Upper Fix today!
YUMMINESS for coffee
Good morning everyone! I ordered some flavored Stevia drops on Amazon last week, my package arrived yesterday and I am enjoying the Irish Cream flavored drops in my coffee this morning. It is pretty good, a nice alternative to creamer. No guilty! Wanted to pass along the info on the maker in case you are interested. They…
What's Your Water Intake? Daily Check in
I don't know how many of you are NOT big fans of water? I'm not (recovering soda addict), but I know if I want to get my body in better health, I have to give it the right fuel. That being said, I've given up soda while on the 21 day fix. No bubbly drinks at all for me. Also, it is very necessary to hydrate your body…
Last week! Progress so far?
Hi, all! We are all going into our last week of 21 Day Fix! How is everyone feeling? What's your progress so far? I promised myself that I wouldn't weigh myself but I lost a good 3 pounds so far and I have also lost a good inch off of my waist. I could have lost a little more weight if I hadn't cheated a bit during the…
Day 11! :)
Hi all --- I actually just did Dirty 30. I was like 5 minutes in until I realized I was supposed to do Pilates, but I just went with it! :) How is everyone doing? We are HALFWAY THERE! Anyone taking any progress pics? (You don't have to post them or anything). Anyone noticing changes? Inches off waist? Weight? :)
How is everyone tracking the program? I haven't been doing it in MFP because I like the simplicity of not having to do it. However, not loving the print outs from the site that are like the book. Thought of creating my own. Anyone using anything different that they like ?
Starbucks oh how I miss you
Okay, I haven't had my staple skinny vanilla latte in two weeks. Today, I did. I just "needed" one. I know it's probably not 21 day fix friendly because of the sugar free vanilla syrup but still want to count it. Should I count as a yellow to be safe?