C25K Newbie

Hi! I started the program about a month ago. The first 2.5 weeks killed my knees, but I got some great shoes and now that's much better. Week 3 went well until I got to the last day and then weather forced me to go for it on the elliptical. I did it fine, but kept in mind that was not as challenging as actual running. So week 4 came up and I just could not do it. I made the decision to go back and to the day that I originally did on the elliptical and again, I had to stop during the 2.5 minute run. So, now I'm repeating week 3 completely and I've tried to do W3D1 twice now, and I can't get through. I'm really discouraged. My mind says it's the increased humidity that's making it more difficult, but I'm really trying to now allow myself to make excuses. I've done that too long. Anyway, any advice you have would be helpful!


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Hang in there!
    The summer, with its heat and humidity, is hard. Keep at it. You are getting stronger and better, even if you think you're not. I run 5K 3 times a week and this is a distance that is very reachable for me. However, on the hot, humid days, I not only run much slower (3-4 minutes longer to complete 5K), I also sometimes have to stop for a short walk (1 minute) because I'm overheated. That happens in the summer. In the fall, I find that my speed is a fraction quicker than in the spring. I mention this just as an experience to show you that summer can make you feel discouraged but you are still getting stronger and better. Keep at it.

    As for your running, how is your breathing? Can you speak a short sentence while runnning? If not, slow down. That's good advice at any time of the year but especially in the summer. As I said above, summer adds 3-4 minutes to my 5K time and I feel as if I'm putting in more effort and energy. Slow down and just keep running. You'll speed up to your normal pace in the fall.

    Are there any shaded trails in your area? I find that a shady trail or path makes me feel as if the temperature has cooled. It's still hot but not overly hot, if you know what I mean.

    Hydrate. Have a glass of water before leaving home and another when you get back.

    Don't be discouraged. Summer is a special time where you've got to adapt. It's not making excuses. Making excuses is when you don't get out to run. You're running. You're doing great.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Plexgut covered everything I would have said and more. Cheering you on!