feeling exhausted - any tips ?

anglia2932 Posts: 5 Member
Hi, I've just started week 3 today and am feeling absolutely exhausted even after the rest day yesterday. I'm enjoying the programme and thought I was ok fitness wise having always run or gone to gym but I'm really struggling with feeling lightheaded , 'spaced out' and no energy. Any tips would be much appreciated as I'm determined to see this through to the end ! Thanks.


  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    How much are you eating? How long are you sleeping each night?

    Whenever I struggled from exhaustion during this program, I looked at what I was eating first. You are burning a ridiculous about of calories, so you need to be eating more than MFP might recommend. I try to net around 1800 (still less than Shaun T. wants me to eat but hundreds more than MFP recommends). Because of how many calories I burn, I can eat up to 2300 calories and while it seems like a lot it isn't with this program. Also, the quality of food matters. LOTS AND LOTS of protein are required to build muscle and energy. Eat some healthy carbs before you workout for some energy before the workout.

    Also, you need to be getting 8 quality hours of sleep a night. I have a bad habit of falling asleep on the couch, so those nights I am not as well rested as the days that I consciously go to bed.

    Best of luck - hope you feel more energized soon!
  • aldeanancy
    aldeanancy Posts: 6 Member
    I am on day 19 of Insanity and I have been taking in 1500 since I have started the program. I don't know if I am taking in too little calories. I haven't really weighed myself but I can tell I lost some inches. I have lacked energy as well. That might be the problem for me.
  • anglia2932
    anglia2932 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks, I think that you may be right and just not eating enough, or not enough protein anway. I had a huge steak dinner last night and eggs for breakfast and feel much more with it today. Its hard tyring to find protein that travels easily for taking to work during the day, chocolate bars are so much more convenient !! Anyway have got some protein bars now to add into my diet so hopefully they will help.