July 2014 Challenge Week 3 7/22/14 - 7/31/14

annayareyone Posts: 38 Member
We're going into the final week of July!!!

Post your week 3 challenge update. Here's a simple template that could be used:

Week 3 sample:

Goal -- Week 3:
Fitness – 30 mins a day
Diet – 64+ oz water
Mind – laugh more by not taking things seriously and spending time with friends/family

Actual -- Week 3:
Fitness – 150 mins (30 mins x 5 days)
Diet – 64 oz water 6 days
Mind – laughed more by subscribing to a comedy meme on Instagram



  • Nt2Badhuh
    Nt2Badhuh Posts: 107 Member
    Week 3 :

    Goal -- Week 3:
    Fitness – 30 mins a day ,5 days a week
    Diet – 80+ oz water
    Mind – watch comedy before bed

    Actual -- Week 3:
    Fitness – 300 mins 60*5 days a week #WIN
    Diet –312 oz or so ( not quite ten a day sometimes over sometimes under but averaging at least 8 a day # kinda win fail lol)
    Mind – Finished Futurama started re watching Bob's burgers... so funny...I end every night with a laugh

    You made a lot of progress on your goals Anna I hope your proud!
  • annayareyone
    annayareyone Posts: 38 Member
    Week 3:
    Fitness – 30 mins a day
    Diet – 64+ oz water
    Mind – laugh more by not taking things seriously

    Actual --
    Fitness – 270 mins total (30 mins x 9 days)
    Diet – 64 oz water 9 days
    Mind – laughed more by watching Last Comic Standing on YouTube
  • annayareyone
    annayareyone Posts: 38 Member
    Good job Nt2Badhuh, for finishing the July challenge!!!