Cholesterol Results Back

Not to impressed... Total=237 (not good) LDL=151 (not good) HDL=74 (great) TRI=60 ( great ).. I mean I always hovered around this number anyway - well usually like 219 so this new number is high,, OR IS IT ??
..., I have a new doctor now and she will want to re-evaluate. from what i read online.. i am FINE.. because my HDL and TRI are so good.. but so much info.. who knows..

I weigh like 130 lbs. 45 year old woman, I feel great... I dont eat any type of junk or processed ANYTHING. I dont drink or smoke. I mean i guess its hereditary...

I do however eat all kinds of GOOD FAT... and when trying to look good before an event or party.. i might eat more fat less carbs to look skinnier.. and when i took this test i was in the middle of losing weight for a trip so i was not eating my usual 1500 cals.. but more like 1000 cals....but nothing that is bad for you.. just maybe LESS chicken, more OLIVE OIL type day..

so like my question is.. What have YOU done to lower JUST THE LDL part...?


  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Please read


    Total cholestrol does not mean dittly squat. Is your HDL was 20 your total cholesterol would be under 200 but you would not be any healthier.

    Your HDL/total cholesterol ratio mean much much more. Most of your's are ideal

    Your Total Cholesterol of 237 is BORDERLINE
    Your LDL of 151 is BORDERLINE
    Your HDL of 74 is OPTIMAL
    Your Triglyceride level of 60 is NORMAL

    Your Total Cholesterol/HDL ratio is: 3.20 - (preferably under 5.0, ideally under 3.5) IDEAL
    Your HDL/LDL ratio is: 0.490 - (preferably over 0.3, ideally over 0.4) IDEAL
    Your triglycerides/HDL ratio is: 0.811 - (preferably under 4, ideally under 2) IDEAL
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    I SO MUCH AGREE with you.. after everything i read,, i really am not into taking these crazy drugs if i dont have to... i dont think anything is wrong with me... I cant wait to hear what the doc has to say...

    i hope me and her can see eye to eye.. but i have an open mind. i will LISTEN to what she has to say... at least
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Please do much more research on the subject of cholesterol especially if you are thinking you have to "do" something. You do not need to lower your cholesterol. At all.

    Also, please don't under-eat. I hope you can change your goal of "skinnier" to "healthier" in your mind.

    I only care about how I FEEL, not about tests and the opinions of doctors who have no clue on nutrition or health. Stop worrying about what your doctor thinks or trying to please her. It should be the opposite... or look for a new doctor.
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    Please do much more research on the subject of cholesterol especially if you are thinking you have to "do" something. You do not need to lower your cholesterol. At all.

    Also, please don't under-eat. I hope you can change your goal of "skinnier" to "healthier" in your mind.

    I only care about how I FEEL, not about tests and the opinions of doctors who have no clue on nutrition or health. Stop worrying about what your doctor thinks or trying to please her. It should be the opposite... or look for a new doctor.

    After researching all day.. their is NO WAY I am taking any meds.. I feel great and i cant find any evidence yet that something is wrong.... . I will however listen to her and everything she has to say.. but i mean, she is really only their to suggest things..
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Please do much more research on the subject of cholesterol especially if you are thinking you have to "do" something. You do not need to lower your cholesterol. At all.

    Also, please don't under-eat. I hope you can change your goal of "skinnier" to "healthier" in your mind.

    I only care about how I FEEL, not about tests and the opinions of doctors who have no clue on nutrition or health. Stop worrying about what your doctor thinks or trying to please her. It should be the opposite... or look for a new doctor.

    After researching all day.. their is NO WAY I am taking any meds.. I feel great and i cant find any evidence yet that something is wrong.... . I will however listen to her and everything she has to say.. but i mean, she is really only their to suggest things..

    Why not search for a doctor that actually understands the results of tests they are recommending? You seem motivated to please her/seek her approval so that's not a healthy relationship to have with a doctor. Doctors are not an authority figure over you, they should have your best health in mind, but many don't. If they are inaccurately translating the results (even if they are uninformed, ignorance is no excuse) of tests and trying to get you on medications, I think it is urgent to find another that will be more supportive of the way you are resolving health issues through diet and lifestyle.

    I research health and nutrition constantly. I never stop. I keep my mind as open as possible and change my mind frequently based on experience and new information. I barely have a good handle on the cholesterol thing and have spent many hours on the subject. The easiest thing to believe/know is how I feel.

    The last advice I would take on how to be healthy would be from a GP, especially if they seem only too happy to push pills and medical interventions.
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    she wants to talk to me about all my bloodwork - which included thyroid and alot of other things because its standard right? and gave me an appointment... and the girl mentioned to me because i she specifically told me my numbers were all ok in range exept for cholesterol and i had her read me the numbers..... I have not heard what she has to say yet. :) !! i have never heard her thoughts on cholesterol yet... so i am curious to find out... :) !!!!!!!!! CANT wait to hear her theories...until the appointment however ( as always ) I will come loaded with my own research to have an intelligent conversation. very excited to have the conversation and tell everything what she said :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this kind of stuff... XO
  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    My number are somewhat similar to yours but not as good.

    Cholesterol 234
    LDL 164
    HDL 50
    TG 102
    Blood pressure 105/67
    No heart disease history

    I expected the TG to be a bit high as I eat more fruit in the summer time. I can usually knock it down to 60-70 in two weeks if I eliminate fruit and intend to do so.

    I had the conversation with my doctor about my cholesterol and got his recommendation for a statins and it did not go well from there. He told me I was high risk because of my age, 61, and my cholesterol being over the new guidelines of 190. I thanked him for his concern but declined. I told him that I would make some dietary changes and we could talk again in 6 months. If the number did not change I would request NMR lipid tests and CRP before making any decisions. He assured me I was ignoring good science and the very latest recommendations. I asked him if he could point out the definitive study that my cholesterol number was linked to heart disease. He directed me to the university medical library to find information. I told him I knew where to get information. I was looking for the study that linked a 234 cholesterol to heart disease. He could not provide me with a study and changed the subject. I am in the process of finding a primary care physician that has doesn't take his directives from big pharma and doesn't push the governments dietary recommendations. We are not a good fit.

    I felt better after reading this article in Marks Daily Apple..

    Everyone is individually responsible for their own health decision.
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    So finally I went the Doctor Appt about the Cholesterol.. she COMPLETELY agreed with me that I dont need drugs.. She wanted me to take FISH oil everyday and get to the gym more.. She was happy about the LOW tri's and High HDL.... she loved that I dont eat sugar or white starch.. and said i was in no way ready for a heart attack..

    but she will retest me in 6 months.. she wants to see me the same or improved.. not worse you know...
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    She sounds sensible, keep that doctor
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    So finally I went the Doctor Appt about the Cholesterol.. she COMPLETELY agreed with me that I dont need drugs.. She wanted me to take FISH oil everyday and get to the gym more.. She was happy about the LOW tri's and High HDL.... she loved that I dont eat sugar or white starch.. and said i was in no way ready for a heart attack..

    but she will retest me in 6 months.. she wants to see me the same or improved.. not worse you know...

    What makes you or her think you will be worse from eating natural whole foods? Why do you need all these tests? How are you feeling? So if you test again an your total cholesterol is up (which means nothing) she might try to put you on meds? I just don't understand the fascination with cholesterol testing when it is so off the mark of predicting anything to do with health. (Do more research - lots of information to challenge all this cholesterol obsession.)

    What will be considered "improved"? What if total cholesterol is up? You/she already thought your cholesterol is "bad"; are you both focused on finding something wrong that must be fixed? With drugs? I guarantee you that's where her head is.
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    no drugs.. she does not think i need them.. she thinks i am fine ;) !! and i look and feel great which is also something to consider she said.... I told her about paleo diet and she thought it was great.... so happy.. i really was worried she thought i needed drugs but she does not believe in them for me.. she believes in healthy diet and exercise... all my other lab results were great... so i have to get back to going to the gym more often and take my fish oil.. 2 things i have not been doing so well

    so all in all.. excellent :) !!!!!!!!!!
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    she said my cholesterol "ratios" were great.. which is what i had researched online and all these blogs.. so no issue at all in her mind.. but a recheck later to make sure since my entire family has high cholesterol nothing else is going on... this was my yearly checkup and she wanted to go over my labs.... she is BRAND NEW.. my other doctor of 10 years passed so i was sooooooooooooooooooo nervous to meet someone new.. but she seems to be in line with my own way of thinking... if not, i would have had to change doctors or at least get some more opinions.