Help with Meal Plans. Dont Be Judgemental!

I need help guys, I need to come up with an actual meal plan of things to eat, and plan out my daily meals for a week. I am a very picky eater who doesn't like a lot of Veggies or Fruits. I am trying my best to try new things and learn to like things. So can anyone help a girl out?

Meal plan for now is :
Breakfast: Special K Protein Shake.

Lunch- Tuna, with Light Miracle Whip, Mustard, Sweet Gerkin Pickles and Sometimes I cut an gala apple up in it.
Sometimes I have 1 oz of chips, whether they be regular chips, or a snack tub of Pringles.

Supper- Again depends on what I had for lunch but usually Grilled Chicken, or Lean Hamburger meat with something .

I think I am eating too less calories, When I try to make sure I eat 1200 , I usually go over about 100 or so. Just kinda stuck and wanna start seeing the weight coming off again, because I am starting to get discouraged.


  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Breakfast for me is - whole grain frozen waffles (off-brand of eggos,), an egg any style and a single piece of bacon, greek yogurt and a piece of fruit, off-brand of a protein shake, OR toast or whole wheat pancakes.

    Between breakfast and lunch I tend to have a snack - fiber-one bar (off-brand again), fruit (banana, peach, plum, or nectarine), or yogurt

    Lunches are generally leftovers or some form of sandwich with fruit if I didn't eat that for a snack, maybe a cheese stick, sometimes nuts, or a small salad (spinach, egg, tomato, cucumber).

    Dinners are more interesting - pork and veggies, chicken and veggies, pita sandwiches, "paleo style" recipes like cabbage wrapped beef or zucchini lasagna that rarely turns out 100% correct... Else, it's always the frozen meal when working more hours.

    Veggies I like: The uncooked ones are broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, and avocado. Then cooked with sauce or seasoning are eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, carrots, onions, broccoli, peas, green beans, corn, peppers, and brussle sprouts.

    Fruits are peaches, pears, nectarines, plums, bananas, watermelon, and maybe pineapple...

    I learn to take things I like and slowly add to them or make something similar to what I like with something new. For example, I use to hate zucchini and eggplant, but breaded and baked - like chicken parm or lasagna it tastes rather ok/good. :)

    For me, Sodium and Sugar are two things that if I go over on, I don't lose weight no matter what my calories and I start binge eating vs healthy eating from them. So as you can tell, I'm trying to stay way from some processed foods due to their sodium or sugar contents.

    Hope this helps! There's a cool website that helps pull up recipes from ingredients we already have called Sometimes it's not 100% right or doesn't work, but I use to like using it when I bought the same things over and over and wanted something new. :)
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    I think 1200 cals is way to hard to maintain. I have tried it in the past and it just causes me to give up because I get too hungry. I would try the guided fitness and nutrition goals on here. I am 5'3 and 162 lbs and it tells me I should be eating 1410 calories/day to lose 1 lb per week.

    I try to stick to 300 cals for breakfast, 400 cals for lunch and 500 cals for dinner and two 100 cal snacks. Of course, if I exercise MFP gives me more calories back. Of course this is my ideal plan, I tend to not be so perfect.

    I usually get a lot of ideas from self magazine for meals. They also have a book The Drop 10 Diet that has a ton of great ideas.

    I think fruits and veggies go a long way to help with hunger and are low cal/good for you.
  • liferunner259
    Where would one find the "guided fitness and nutrition goals" on here?
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Places to change things on mfp.

    My Home > Goals
    Click change, and do guided or custom.
    I do custom... which allows you to adjust macros as you choose

    Update profile/calculated calories/weight loss goal
    My Home > Settings > Update diet/fitness profile

    Update the macros you look at / track
    Food > Settings
  • akwhite82
    akwhite82 Posts: 7
    What is some good "Protein" ? that is low in calories? Maybe I need to just add more protein, but keep my calories around the same. I am just ready to see these last 2 pounds gone. Wanna see the 160's.
  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    If you look under my photos there is a list called 80 healthiest foods that might give you some ideas if foods to try, I don't know how to put the photo in here. Good protein is eggs, beans, seafood, chicken, lean red meat, basically all meats are protein some just may be more fattier than others, and of course a quality protein powder is helpful. You may want to try upping your cals, then going back down, then back up...keep your body guessing. Hope this helps.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    I tried to find a handy table, but could not. I liked Texas's photo.

    Else, here's a link to a "Top 10" that breaks down grams of protein per x calories in that food...

    Good luck with changing up your meals. You'll have to tell us how it goes. :)