My awesome weigh-in.

So, I've been gone for a bit, and I apologize. It's been a long few weeks, but I've been keeping up with biking! I just recently found out that my husband will be getting discharged soon, and I'm really stressed, so I haven't been eating as well. And by that I mean, I havent been eating much. I just cant when I'm stressed out. Ugh. But all this is a whole other story since I'll be needing to get rid of my big equipment here soon :/ However, here's my weigh-in story.

Back in the second weekend of June, I went on a roadtrip with my friend to her parents to see her sister graduate. Her mom had a scale in the bathroom, so I decided to weigh myself since it'd been a long time. 240. 240 was the number that popped up on the scale. The heaviest I've EVER been. That put a damper on the rest of the trip, sadly, as I let it get to me. Ever since then, I've been going by that weight when having to insert it.

We recently got a scale and tape since I've been wanting to keep track, and I plan to treat myself when I get below 200! Well, I weighed myself yesterday in the middle of the day, and I was so scared. To my surprise 228 was the number that came up! Ah. About 12 pounds in a month and a half. I talked to my husband and he said to weigh in the morning, so I did before breakfast. And 226 was the number that came up! I'm so happy. And this has given me a HUGE push! I did 10 minutes of biking, about 2 miles. Then did a 21 day fix video (cardio). I feel amazing!


  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    That IS awesome! Way to go! I'm proud of you for sticking to your new healthy habits even in the face of stress.
  • TheBrowniesMadeMeDoIt

    I too was popping up on the scale in the 240 range - 244 to be exact when I joined MFP. I began serious healthy eating and exercise on June 27th. So, as of last Friday it was officially a month (weigh days are on Fridays for me), and as of my last weigh day I was at 233 - 11 pounds for my four week loss!

    It is very encouraging! I had a stall one week, so I feel like I could have lost more, but I won't let it bother me. I can't wait til I break into the 220's! Crossing my fingers that it'll be this Friday. I've have four pound weight loss weeks, but I'm not gonna hold my breath. But I'm excited for you and it's really encouraging for me to hear! Thanks for the motivation!