Weigh In - July
Good morning all! It's about 7:30 AM on the East Coast USA and that means weigh in time! On another note, I'm going to unlock this thread earlier in the future to account for different time zones and then it will be locked within 30 hours until the following week. When commenting, please follow the following format (also…
Really look at yourself
I got hit in the head tonight with a BIG breakthrough for me when I changed out my profile pic. It made me think about perceptions. All my profile pics are close-up head shots. Why is that? Well, it's easier to see a persons face that way. That isn't my real reason. I don't like anyone to see the rest of me. There is no…
Just curious, Where's everyone from?
What state or country do you live in? I'm in Michigan.
Group Check In
Hello 50+ Group! To all new members, I'm Heather, a moderator for the group. I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself, as I have been out of the country for the past three weeks, and forbidden to log into social media and enjoy my vacation! But, I'm back now, I'll be dropping a new September Week 1 fitness challenge,…
What are you struggling with?
I've had a few weeks of meh. Events have prevented me from being as consistent as I would like with food. I'm still struggling with exercise. Being motivated enough to just start exercising it is a problem. I find something else that is a higher priority EVERY TIME. I sabotage myself regularly. I think I'll have a talk…
Anyone done 30 Day Shred?
I picked up 30 Day Shred at Goodwill last night. ($2.99 I loves me some thrift stores!!) Has anyone used this DVD before? Is it going to kill me?
I'm back!
Hello everyone! So sorry for my lengthy absence, but my honey surprised me with a three week trip to Ireland for the summer!!!! Missed you guys! And you'll be glad to know that weight loss had still continued despite the vacation and travel! So how has everyone been doing? Have weigh ins still been underway?
August Goals
I accomplish more when I have goals, and especially when I am held accountable to those goals, so I'm posting my health & fitness goals for August here. :) * Create workout schedule and stick to it * Log food and exercise into MyFitnessPal daily * Meditate daily * Take meds daily * Figure out meal plan and execute *…
I refuse to weigh myself this week - girl stuff
I've been watching steady weight gain this week despite staying within my calorie limits and exercise. I have decided that the week before my "ladies time" is the week I do not step on the scale for any reason. So friggin' depressing. Any thoughts, comments, or ideas?
Meals: What are you doing?
I thought I'd just share with you all what I'm doing as far as meals go. It may help others out and maybe you can share what you are doing. Personal experience tells me going on a specific diet plan is not the way to loose weight. Life happens and if I'm on a super strict diet I've set myself up to fail...again. I am all…
Things I learned along the way
Below is a direct copy/paste from someone who posted on a weight loss forum I go to on another site. I found what they had to say to be very true, at least for me. Enjoy. (Source: How to detect a faulty weight loss plan: 1. You…