I refuse to weigh myself this week - girl stuff

I've been watching steady weight gain this week despite staying within my calorie limits and exercise.

I have decided that the week before my "ladies time" is the week I do not step on the scale for any reason. So friggin' depressing. Any thoughts, comments, or ideas?


  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    The week of is when I don't usually record my weight. I'm usually up 3-5lbs that week, then it's gone the following week. No point in stressing over it, right?
  • I trying not to let it get to me. I'm hoping all the exercise I got today working on clearing 3 years of clutter out of our garage will really show when I start weighing myself again next week. We got it half cleaned out. Hitting the next half tomorrow. So tired.....
  • Listeninguponyou
    Listeninguponyou Posts: 507 Member
    It's fine! Lot's of people don't weigh in during that week. I think I am just the odd one out who does lose weight during that time. One time I lost 4lb (more than usual) doing the same or less that week!
  • I think I'm gaining extra. Yesterday I got in the car at 5:30 am. I had a 2 hour break where I husked and shucked sweet corn, and then an hour where I was out in a field picking more sweet corn. Didn't really quit driving until 8 pm. Ran an unbelievable amount of errands. I ate really badly and at the end of the day pizza and Smirnoff Ice green apple sounded really good. They were. Probably not going to really be on track today either. Canning a good 100 quarts of sweet corn this morning.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Are you a farmer?