How Many Daily Carbs Do You Eat?



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    My nutritionist recommends maximums of 30g per meal and 15g per snack (eating a meal or snack every 2-3 hours). So I try to average between 100-135g carbs a day. If I'm consistent with this I'm able to lose weight. For me, right now, this is the most doable and I feel good when I stick with it.
    It is so nice to have a group with a variety of input on how low carb each person is doing, but no judgement - recognizing that everyone is different and different things work for each person (and at different times in their lives).
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    My nutritionist recommends maximums of 30g per meal and 15g per snack (eating a meal or snack every 2-3 hours). So I try to average between 100-135g carbs a day. If I'm consistent with this I'm able to lose weight. For me, right now, this is the most doable and I feel good when I stick with it.
    It is so nice to have a group with a variety of input on how low carb each person is doing, but no judgement - recognizing that everyone is different and different things work for each person (and at different times in their lives).

    Amazing, isn't it, that first you were able to find a "nutritionist" willing to question the "common wisdom" re LCLF and more importantly that folks in this group actually are capable of disagreeing on "specifics" but accept the fact that "different strokes...." doesn't have to mean "I'm right and you are wrong"?

    Probably a pipe dream but sure would be nice if some of the ideologues in other groups could stop scraping knuckles long enough to open their minds. I personally could care less what they "want" to believe, but the damage they inflict on those who come simply seeking advice is appalling.

    Nice work on your goals so far, and best of luck in the future.