Exercise hiatus kind of

mtdang Posts: 35 Member
Hi 40's, having a recurrence of about 8 year old hip pain for which I do not really recall the actual diagnosis and am scheduled to get it checked out but not really able to do much for the last week (elliptical, indoor cycling, running with minimal strength training). Rarely do I take more than a day or 2 off. Any suggestions on alternative exercises that might be less taxing? Tried swimming a few strokes while in pool with my daughter and that seemed to hurt it too. Any advice is welcome. Going to try to go for a short walk but I find that boring and the hills in my neighborhood seem to irritate the pain a lot....


  • gitnfit2
    gitnfit2 Posts: 203 Member
    Only thing I can really thing of is upper body strength training with weights as an exercise that would not put too much pleasure on your hips. Will be interesting to see what your Dr. says the injury is and what the recommendations are.
  • mtdang
    mtdang Posts: 35 Member
    Dr. didn't really diagnose but therapist said my recent decision to increase frequency of running (rather than mixing up with bike/elliptical) and initiating HIIT concurrently made my gluteus medius muscle and IT band very unhappy. Starting on my stretches and strengthening and will hopefully be back to my usual workouts soon. Can't wait, walking is so awkward feeling and can't cycle every day....