linking fitbit

running4myboys Posts: 44 Member
Okay, I'm a little confused. I've been playing with the recommended settings from MFP. If I'm looking to have a calorie deficit of say 500 calories/day, & have my fitbit linked, should it not be giving my a Net total from my estimated burn of say today, being 2615-500=2115? It's giving me a total right now of net 1811 with 109 remaining, giving me a net total of 1910???


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    The calorie adjustment in exercise from Fitbit is NOT just exercise, it's the difference between what MFP thought you'd burn and what Fitbit said you'd burn.

    So you told MFP you were sedentary and 1 lb weekly loss.
    Let's say it estimated daily maintenance, in other words NON-exercise TDEE, at 2000 calories.
    2000 - 500 = 1500 eating goal on non-workout days.

    But on workout day, say your Fitbit sees a daily burn of 2615 calories.

    MFP does math of Fitbit total burn 2615 - 2000 MFP estimate of daily burn = 615 positive adjustment for MFP to match.
    So now MFP treats it as exercise and increases your daily burn.
    2000 + 615 = 2615 so it matches Fitbit.
    2615 - 500 deficit = 2115 eating goal. You are correct.

    But you are reading a different place than your Food diary, just stick to that to decrease the confusion.
    Eat your daily goal, simple as that.

    In your example, you have 109 more calories to eat.

    And how do you have your burn for the day if not over yet? You probably have Fitbit calorie estimation option on, which means they too are estimating your daily burn not totally on what you have burned up till then, but on historical averages. Disable it, unless you frequently forget to put it on.

    Also, 500 deficit on workout day of around 2500 is 20% deficit, tad more than group recommends, especially with only 36 lbs to go.
    That also means on non-workout day, it's even higher.