AUGUST 2014 - Move Your @ss Challenge



  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    4 mile run/walk. IPhone back to normal after being caught out in yesterday's sudden storm.

  • angelmo8
    angelmo8 Posts: 242 Member
    8/23- 3.4 miles running

    Today was my first trail race. I had a lot of fun. I think I could have gotten a better time but I paced myself to much because I'd heard that there were super steep hills and lots of stairs. It was challenging, but there was plenty of recovery time and it wasn't any worse than the trails I run everyday. Overall, it was a great learning experience and now I definitely know what how to approach the next race :happy:

  • rockann16
    rockann16 Posts: 885 Member
    Adding 5 miles

  • postolache
    postolache Posts: 187 Member
    Based on my Fitbit statistic:

    8/1/2014 2.36 km
    8/2/2014 9.02 km
    8/3/2014 5.69 km
    8/4/2014 2.42 km
    8/5/2014 0.95 km
    8/6/2014 4.80 km
    8/7/2014 0.00 km
    8/8/2014 3.13 km
    8/9/2014 6.79 km
    8/10/2014 3.64 km
    8/11/2014 12.77 km
    8/12/2014 6.72 km
    8/13/2014 10.93 km
    8/14/2014 12.71 km
    8/15/2014 10.13 km
    8/16/2014 10.73 km
    8/17/2014 4.60 km
    8/18/2014 17.52 km
    8/19/2014 3.13 km
    8/20/2014 1.65 km
    8/21/2014 1.16 km
    8/22/2014 0.46 km
    Total 131.31 km
    Goal 150.00 km
  • sunflower9194
    sunflower9194 Posts: 149 Member
    8/14 ran 6.1
    8/16 biked 26.7, ran 2
    8/18 .8 miles pool, 15 spin class, 1.5 run
    8/19 strength training, 1 mile run
    8/21 1 mile elliptical, strength training, .25 swim
    8/22 .8 swim, 15 miles bike
    8/23 ran 4.7

    MTD 101.9

  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 768 Member
    Sorry for being such a flake!
    8/1: 5.8 miles walking
    8/2: 6.1 miles walking
    8/3: 7.5 miles walking incl 9 holes of golf!
    8/4 - Zero - had food poisoning which has thrown this week in to a tizzy
    8/5 - 5 miles walking (which was supposed to be my cycling day :-((
    8/6 - 2.5 miles walking (client dinner put a kabash on any more)
    8/7 - 4.5 miles walking
    8/8 - 5.2 miles walking
    8/9 - 6.6 miles walking (hiking actually)
    8/10 - 4.2 miles walking
    8/11 - 5.2 miles walking
    8/12 - 8.5 miles riding (yay!!!!! ) - wish I could get more riding in this month but I will do what I can!)
    8/13 - 4.5 miles walking
    8/14 - Bust - drove all over LA picking up my brother in-law and home.
    8/15 - 4.2 miles walking
    8/16 - 3.5 miles walking
    8/17 - 5.5 miles walking
    8/18 - 6.2 miles walking
    8/19 - 4 miles walking
    8/20 - 4 miles walking
    8/21 - 2 miles walking
    8/22 - 4 miles walking
    8/23 - 3.5 miles walking

    102.5 / 120 - I need at least 2 good rides for the month! Gonna get it done!
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    Good coast walk today new total 74.8 miles
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    Nice day at the beach yesterday, great bike ride with my son today.

    08/22 - 5.0 miles Beach Walk
    08/23 - 12.0 miles biking

    Total: 184.5 miles

  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    3.15 miles walked today

    130.76 miles walked to date
  • fancycakemaker
    fancycakemaker Posts: 57 Member
    Wow! You 100 milers are awesome!

    I am new to this group and I am really looking forward to moving my @Ss :) I have a sedentary job and I really need to get moving and drop my extra weight. So do walking, biking, and elliptical all count?
  • scarfe9991
    scarfe9991 Posts: 778 Member
    @Fancycakemaker...welcome to an awesome group!! Yes any of those could count if you choose. You get to decide, and you set your goal based on what you think you can accomplish for the you're only competing with yourself! =)

    I got 3 miles in today on elliptical and treadmill walking.

  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,851 Member
    Exercise total for

    Saturday 8/23

    (Exercise bike 30.08 miles & walk 4.25 miles)

    **total 34.33 miles for today

    ***742.58 miles done and 157.42 miles to go.....:happy:
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,341 Member
    FANCYCAKEMAKER - You bet they do! Just add up all the miles you cover in all three modes and track & report one number against one goal number. I sent you a PM with further details of how the challenge works.

    Welcome and good luck!
  • jennwhite34
    jennwhite34 Posts: 534 Member
    8/23 - 2.8 miles walked
    5.2 miles exercise bike

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,436 Member

    Finally getting back on the bike. Doubt I'll make goal but I'll see what I can do. That's 212 out of 400.

    Dean...I'm pretty sure you'll make it...:bigsmile:

    It was a good Saturday...walked w/my daughter then w/my husband and Bean!

    8.70 miles today.


    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,341 Member
    Managed to get a 6.0 mile bike ride in tonight. Was battling a little bug today and that was all the energy I could muster. Okay, it was either a bug or the karaoke & beer... :noway::bigsmile:

    Looking to do more/better tomorrow. :smile:

  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,408 Member
    Hope you're feeling better Dave.

    Aug 22: 10 miles cycling
    Aug23: 10 miles running and walking

    TTD: 234.5 miles

  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,408 Member
    8/23- 3.4 miles running

    Today was my first trail race. I had a lot of fun. I think I could have gotten a better time but I paced myself to much because I'd heard that there were super steep hills and lots of stairs. It was challenging, but there was plenty of recovery time and it wasn't any worse than the trails I run everyday. Overall, it was a great learning experience and now I definitely know what how to approach the next race :happy:


    Congrats Angelmo8 on your trail race. It sounds like you did well. Sometimes we make more of the race than what it really is like.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    We've had about 3.5 inches of rain the past couple of days so I did 4.5 miles of sprints on the treadmill today. My back will be SCREAMING at me tomorrow!
    My husband is trying to finish up our wheat harvest so he is not happy to have rain right now.....

  • wanderan
    wanderan Posts: 1,369 Member
    15.45 biking, 8.34 walking

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